18. helmikuuta 2014


Knockout (aka Born to Fight) is a 2011 American sports drama film directed by Anne Wheeler, and starring Steve Austin, Daniel Magder and Jaren Brandt Bartlett.

It is set and filmed onsite in Aldergrove, and White Rock, British Columbia, Canada, and Tacoma, Washington in April and May 2010.. The movie ends with the car speeding away, and Clive turning around and screaming.

Dan Barnes (Steve Austin) is a former professional boxer who was retired from boxing after a growing weary of his violent existence. Now a school janitor, Dan tries to help a new student, Matthew Miller (Daniel Magder), who recently joined the new school and is being targeted by bullies. While Matthew learns how to box and stand up to his tormentors, one of whom is the school boxing champ (Jaren Brandt Bartlett), Dan's new found role as a teacher helps him come to terms with his tumultuous past.

The Hot Chick

The Hot Chick is a 2002 American comedy film about a teenage girl whose mind is magically swapped with that of a 30-year-old criminal. It was directed by Tom Brady and produced by John Schneider and Carr D'Angelo for Happy Madison and Touchstone Pictures, and written by Tom Brady and Rob Schneider. The film stars Rob Schneider as the criminal, Rachel McAdams as Jessica, who, together with her cheerleader friends, search for Jessica's body while dealing with awkward social situations.

Adam Sandler served as executive producer and has a small role in the film as the Mambuza Bongo Player, a character based on one played by Schneider in a Saturday Night Live sketch. Sisters Tia and Tamera Mowry and singers Ashlee Simpson, Angie Stone, and Michelle Branch also had small roles. Parts of the film were shot at Redondo Union High School and El Segundo High School.

In an Abyssinian castle in 50 BC, Princess Nawa (Shazia Ali) uses a pair of enchanted earrings to escape an arranged marriage by swapping bodies with a slave girl (Vivian Corado). When each woman wears one of the earrings, their minds magically trade places while their bodies remain where they were.

In the present day, Jessica Spencer (Rachel McAdams) is a popular high school girl in suburban California with her friends April (Anna Faris), Keecia (Maritza Murray), and Lulu (Alexandra Holden). April is Jessica's best friend, and all four girls are cheerleaders. At school one day, Jessica makes fun of an overweight girl named Hildenburg (Megan Kuhlmann) and a wiccan girl named Eden (Sam Doumit). After that, Jessica and her friends visit the local mall, where Jessica frames her rival Bianca (Maria-Elena Laas) for shoplifting, and finds the earrings in an African-themed store. The earrings are not for sale, so Jessica steals them.

Shortly afterward, a small-time criminal named Clive Maxtone (Rob Schneider) robs a nearby gas station. When Jessica and her friends stop there and mistake him for an employee, he services their car to avoid raising suspicion. Jessica accidentally drops one of the earrings on the ground, and Clive picks it up after the girls drive away. That evening, Jessica and Clive put on their earrings. When they wake up the next morning, each of them is trapped in the other's body. This is especially difficult for Jessica, who has a cheerleading competition and the school prom coming up soon, and at first difficult, Jessica convinces April, Keecia, and Lulu of her true identity.

The girls write a list of suspects of who could be responsible. They first seek Hildenburg, where Jessica apologizes for humiliating her in front of the entire school during the basketball game earlier, and the two make amends. They soon seek Eden, where Jessica also apologizes for her jealousy of Eden getting the only "A" on a report of the Salem witch trials. Eden reveals an ancient Latin witchcraft called "Santeria", which originated in Africa, and found its way into Cuba and Brazil. Lulu ties this connection to Bianca, but Eden reveals that only a tattoo of a scorpion on her back could confirm this. While investigating at a dance club called 'Instant Tang', Bianca is proven innocent after Jessica rips her shirt to see if she has the tattoo, which she doesn't.

The girls then find a picture of the earrings on the internet, and the girls post fliers all over town. They also get help from Keecia's awkward mother (Jodi Long) and Venetia and Sissie (Tia Mowry and Tamera Mowry), twin sisters who are on Jessica's cheerleading squad. The girls tell this to Madame Mambuza (Angie Stone), the owner of the African store at the mall. Madame Mambuza tells the girls the story of Princess Nawa, who, after switching bodies, was unaware that she had to bring the earrings back together. Nawa lived the rest of her life in the slaves' body. Jessica could suffer the same fate if she does not unite the earrings before the end of the Full moon.

Meanwhile, Jessica is hired for two jobs while secretly living with April. At her home, where she works as a gardener named Taquito, her parents tell her about their marital problems and she helps them rekindle their sex life. At school, while cleaning the boys' locker room as a janitor, she spies on her boyfriend Billy (Matthew Lawrence), and April's boyfriend Jake (Eric Christian Olsen), secretly has another girlfriend named Monique (Ashlee Simpson). Faced with Jake's infidelity, April breaks up with him, and Jessica agrees to take her to the prom. At the cheerleading competition, Jessica signals romantically to Billy while disguised as the school mascot, but when the head of her suit falls off, he becomes confused and leaves with Bianca.

During this time, Clive has been using Jessica's body to make money from men, including Billy, who gives him his money and car, believing he is Jessica. On the evening of the prom, Hildenburg sees a video of Clive robbing a man on the television news and goes to the scene of the crime. After finding a business card for the club where Clive works as a pole dancer, she informs Jessica at the prom, and the girls go to the club. When they find Clive, Jessica steals his earring and puts it on herself along with the other one. With the two earrings now on the same person, Jessica's and Clive's bodies return to their original owners.

After Jessica makes up with Billy, the film ends with the school's graduation ceremony, where Keecia and her mother reconcile. The previous night, Clive, running from the law and still dressed in lingerie, jumps into the car of the same bartender (Scott Dolezal) Jessica encountered in the body of Clive. The bartender, who was led to believe from previous encounters that Clive is homosexual smiles and locks the car door

Dirty Work

Dirty Work (1998) is a comedy buddy film starring Norm Macdonald, Artie Lange, Jack Warden, and Traylor Howard and directed by Bob Saget. In the film, long-time friends Mitch (Macdonald) and Sam (Lange) start a revenge-for-hire business, and work to fund heart surgery for Sam's father Pops (Warden). When they take on work for an unscrupulous businessman (Christopher McDonald), in order to be paid, they create a revenge scheme of their own. Adam Sandler makes a cameo appearance as Satan.
The film was the first starring vehicle for Macdonald and Lange and the first feature film directed by Saget, coming one year after he left his long-running role as host of America's Funniest Home Videos.
Though the film received broadly negative reviews from critics and earned low box office returns, it has become a cult classic. Co-star Artie Lange later became a regular on The Howard Stern Show, where the film was sometimes discussed.

Growing up, friends Mitch Weaver (Norm Macdonald) and Sam McKenna (Artie Lange) are taught by Sam's hard-nosed dad Pops McKenna (Jack Warden) not to "take crap from anyone". To that end, the pair plant a bunch of guns on a bully and have him arrested for gun possession and catch a kid-fondling crossing guard in the act with glue.
As adults, after losing fourteen jobs in three months and being dumped by his girlfriend, Mitch moves in with Sam and Pops, who then has a heart attack. In the hospital, Pops confides that, because of their parents' swinging lifestyle, he is also Mitch's father. Even though Pops' heart is failing, Dr. Farthing (Chevy Chase), a hopeless gambler, will only raise his position on the transplant waiting list if he is paid $50,000, to save him from his bookie. Mitch and Sam get jobs in a cinema with an abusive manager (Don Rickles) and exact their revenge by showing "Men In Black (Who Like To Have Sex With Each Other)" to a packed house. The other workers congratulate them and suggest they go into business.
Mitch and Sam open "Dirty Work", a revenge-for-hire business (the Dirty Work phone number is "555-0187," a fictitious number used later on  Saturday Night Live.) . Mitch falls for a woman named Kathy (Traylor Howard) who works for a shady used car dealer (David Koechner). After publicly embarrassing the dealer during a live TV commercial, the duo exacts increasingly lucrative reprisals for satisfied customers until they interfere with unscrupulous local property developer Travis Cole (Christopher McDonald). Cole tricks them into destroying "his" apartment building (actually owned by Mr. John Kirkpatrick, the landlord), promising to pay them enough to save Pops. Afterwards, Cole reneges, revealing that he is not the owner and that he had them vandalize the building so that he could buy it cheaply, evict the tenants (including Kathy's grandmother), and build a parking lot for his luxurious new opera house. Unknown to Cole, Mitch's "note to self"  mini-tape recorder captures this confession.
Mitch and Sam plot their revenge on Cole, using the tape to set up an elaborate trap. Using skunks, an army of prostitutes, homeless men, a noseless friend (Chris Farley), brownies with hallucinogenic additives, and Pops, they ruin the opening night of Don Giovanni, an opera sponsored prominently by Cole. With the media present, Mitch plays back Cole's confession over the theater's sound system. Cole sees that his public image is being tarnished and agrees to pay the $50,000. In the end, Cole is punched in the stomach, arrested and jailed, his dog is raped by a skunk, Pops gets his operation, and Mitch gets the girl. Dr. Farthing overcomes his gambling habit but is beaten to death by bookies in the end.


Wayansin koomikkokatraaseen kuuluva Marlon esittää kauppatieteen opiskelija Darryllia, joka haluaa kuumeisesti paikan arvostetussa meklarifirmassa. Asemiaan parantaakseen hän suostuu hämärän tutkijan koekaniiniksi ja saa inhimilliset kyvyt moninkertaistavaa huumetta. Aine todella toimii, mutta sitten Darryll ottaa vahingossa tupla-annoksen. Sivuvaikutukset lyövät ällikällä Darryllin lisäksi hänen ystävänsä ja kilpailijansa.

Pomon tytär

Pomon tytär (engl. My Boss's Daughter) on vuonna 2003 valmistunut romanttinen komedia. Elokuvassa Tom Stansfield (Ashton Kutcher) työskentelee kustantamossa, jota johtaa tyrannimainen Jack Taylor (Terence Stamp). Tom on ihastunut pomonsa tyttäreen, Lisa Tayloriin (Tara Reid), jota tämän suojeleva isänsä ohjailee. Lisa kertoo Tomille olevansa kotiarestissa iltana, jolloin järjestetään juhlat, jonne hän haluaisi mennä. Tom rohkaisee Lisaa asettumaan isäänsä vastaan ja menemään juhliin arestista huolimatta. Lisa pyytää tämän jälkeen Tomin heidän talolleen, jonka takia Tom ajattelee Lisalla olevan tunteita häntä kohtaan. Oikeasti Lisa haluaa vain Tomin hoitavan asian hänen puolestaan.
Elokuva julkaistiin Dimension Filmsin toimesta elokuussa 2003 ja se tuotti maailmanlaajuisesti 18,191,005 dollaria.

Dude, Where's My Car?

Dude, Where’s My Car? on Danny Leinerin ohjaama komediaelokuva vuodelta 2000.
Elokuva kertoo Jessestä ja Chesteristä, jotka railakkaan yön jälkeen huomaavat autonsa hävinneen ja aloittavat etsinnät sen löytämiseksi.

16. helmikuuta 2014

Mela Kateissa

Seth Green, Matthew Lillard ja Dax Shepard tähdittävät komediaa, jossa yhteisen ystävän kuolema kerää erilleen ajautuneet lapsuudenystävykset yhteen. Kolmikko saa selville kuolleen ystävänsä olleen lentokonekaappauksessa vuonna 1971 kadonneiden 200 000 dollarin jäljillä. Löydettyään kaappari D.B. Cooperin jälkeensä jättämän kartan pojat päättävät seurata sitä saaliin luo. Matkallaan he kohtaavat jos minkälaisia vastoinkäymisiä: tielle osuu niin takapajulan ruohonviljelijöitä, joilla on liipasinsormi herkässä, hemaisevia puussa majailevia hippejä, kuin rajattomilla äidinvaistoilla varustettu karhukin. Menossa mukana nähdään myös hulvattoman hauska Burt Reynolds. Luvassa on siis levotonta koskenlaskua kanootilla, josta mela on totaalisen kateissa.

Karvaturrit Vastakarvaan

 Brendan Freaser on koko perheen vauhdikkaan komediaseikkailun pääosassa Dan Sanders, joka kiinnitetään johtamaan uuden asuinalueen rakennustöitä keskelle Rocky Springsin rauhoitettua metsämaisemaa. Metsän eläimet eivät suunnitelmaa sulata; kohta Danillä on vastassaan hurja joukko nokkelia jyrsijöitä, viekkaita majavia, reipasotteinen karhu ja monta muuta metsän asukkia. Kekseliäiden kasvaturrien konstit ovat monet, kun ihmisten aikeista on päätetty tehdä selvää. Pääosissa: Brendan Fraser, Brooke Shields, Ken Jeong, Matt Prokop. Ohjaus: Roger Kumble.

Paavo Pesusieni -elokuva

Paavo Pesusieni – elokuva on vuonna 2004 ensi-iltansa saanut animaatioelokuva, joka perustuu Nickelodeonin tuottamaan televisiosarjaan Paavo Pesusieni. Elokuvan ohjasi alkuperäisen sarjan luonut Stephen Hillenburg ja pääosaa esitti Tom Kenny.

Tangalassa on ongelmia: kuningas Neptunuksen kruunu on kateissa, ja johtaja Rapua epäillään sen kähveltämisestä. Hankkiakseen kruunun takaisin ja pelastaakseen johtaja Ravun Paavo Pesusieni suuntaa yhdessä parhaan ystävänsä Patrik Tähtösen kanssa kohti kavalaa Kotilokaupunkia.

13. helmikuuta 2014

Tallipihan bilehileet

Steve Oedekerk ja Nickelodeon Movies, elokuvan “Jimmy Neutron - neropatti” tekijät, ovat tuottaneet kokonaan tietokoneanimaatiolla toteutetun hulvattoman hupailun siitä, mitä karjapihalla todella tapahtuu, kun maatalon isäntä ei ole näkemässä.

Elokuvan “Tallipihan bilehileet” pääosassa on Onni, huoleton bilehilenauta, joka tykkää laulamisesta, tanssimisesta ja kepposten tekemisestä ihmisille. Toisin kuin sen isä Ben, tallipihan kunnioitettu johtohahmo, ja Masi, vanha viisas muuli, Onni ei jaksa juurikaan välittää siitä, että edes yrittäisi pitää eläinten inhimilliset kyvyt salassa. Yllättäen se joutuu kuitenkin vastuunalaiseen asemaan, ja tiukan paikan tullen tuon normaalisti niin huolettoman lehmän on kaivettava itsestään esiin johtajan kyvyt.


Wishmaster is a 1997 American horror film directed by Robert Kurtzman. It was executive produced by Wes Craven—the only film of the Wishmaster series with his name attached. The plot of Wishmaster concerns a djinn (evil genie), an omnipotent, supremely evil entity who is released from a jewel and seeks to capture the soul of the woman who discovered him, thereby opening a portal and freeing his fellow djinn to inhabit the earth. The film stars Andrew Divoff and Tammy Lauren, and features many actors from other popular horror movies such as A Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th and Candyman. Three sequels were released: Wishmaster 2: Evil Never Dies, Wishmaster 3: Beyond the Gates of Hell and Wishmaster 4: The Prophecy Fulfilled.

The narrator, Angus Scrimm, in his only words in the film, introduces the audience to the creatures called "djinn" with the following statement:
Once, in a time before time, God breathed life into the universe. And the light gave birth to Angels. And the earth gave birth to man. And the fire gave birth to the djinn, creatures condemned to dwell in the void between the worlds. One who wakes a djinn shall be given three wishes. Upon the granting of the third, the unholy legions of the djinn shall be freed upon the earth. Fear one thing only in all that is... fear the djinn.
The next scene is set in Persia during the year 1127 with the djinn asking a Persian emperor to make his second wish. The emperor asks the djinn to show him wonders. The djinn uses his powers to torture and mutilate people in the palace. Before the emperor can make his third wish, Zoroaster (Ari Barak), a sorcerer, interrupts and states that upon the third wish granted to the one who woke the djinn, a gateway will open between the worlds, and the evil race of djinn can live on Earth. The sorcerer then reveals a fire opal. The djinn is sucked into the jewel, where he remains captured.
In present day America, Raymond Beaumont (Robert Englund) is supervising workers as they lower a box containing an antique statue of Ahura Mazda onto a ship's deck. The worker who is lowering the crate is drinking on the job and accidentally drops it from his crane, killing Beaumont's assistant (Ted Raimi) and destroying the statue. It breaks open and a dockworker finds the fire opal inside, which he steals and pawns. The jewel ends up at Regal Auctioneers, where boss Nick Merritt (Chris Lemmon) gives it to appraiser Alexandra Amberson (Tammy Lauren) to examine. Her examinations of the jewel wake the djinn.
Thinking she saw something inside the jewel, Alexandra takes it to her labworker, best friend and potential love interest Josh Aickman (Tony Crane) to analyze. Later, as he is collecting data, light reflections cause the gem to explode and the djinn is released. The lab is destroyed and Josh is killed, upon his wish for relief from his physical pain.
Alex, thinking the gem has something to do with the explosion and subsequent death of Josh, tracks down Beaumont, to whom the statue belonged. Beaumont tells Alex to visit a folklore professor named Wendy Derleth (Jenny O'Hara) to find out more about Ahura Mazda and the gem. He also invites Alex and her sister Shannon (Wendy Benson) to a party he is hosting. The folklore professor tells Alex about the jewel, the djinn and its evil history. Later, Alex learns that the djinn needs to power the gem with the soul of humans and then grant her three wishes before he can unleash the djinn on Earth. During this time, the djinn, who had been in demonic form, removes the face of a corpse in the morgue, taking on the dead man's form and the name Nathaniel Demerest. The djinn, now Nathaniel, goes about granting people wishes in return for their souls while he searches for Alex. He finally tracks down Alex's boss and grants him a greed-inflicted wish so that he can get Alex's address.
Alex is haunted by visions whenever the djinn grants a wish. She goes to Wendy Derleth's house to consult with her again, but Nathaniel has already killed her and taken her form. During their conversation, Alex realizes she is really talking to the djinn. He confronts her and asks her to make three wishes. He even gives her a "test" wish. She uses this wish and orders the djinn to kill itself. He complies by blowing his head off with a gun, yet the wound heals instantly; as the djinn is immortal, he cannot be killed. Alex then uses the first of the "official" three wishes: her first being to know her opponent, the djinn. He teleports her to his terrifying world within the gem, thus demonstrating his true nature to her. Next, she wishes herself back to her apartment, alone. The Djinn had been threatening Alex's sister, so Alex sets about finding Shannon. She races to Beaumont's party and Nathaniel follows. While talking to Nathaniel at the party, Beaumont makes the mistake of wishing his party would be unforgettable, and Nathaniel begins wreaking havoc by causing the art pieces to kill the guests.
The djinn finally corners Alex and traps Shannon, trying to scare Alex into making the ultimate third wish. Alex wishes that the dockworker had not been drinking on the job two days ago, undoing the events that followed (and presumably reviving the djinn's victims back to life) and trapping the djinn in the opal. The dock scene is shown again and the now sober operator has no trouble lowering the crate containing Ahura Mazda. Alex goes to see Josh at the lab. He notices that Alex is strangely pleased with herself, but she will not say why.
Back on the statue of Ahura Mazda, which is now in Beaumont's private collection, the camera zooms inside the jewel and shows us the djinn on a throne, waiting to be released.


A cop turns vigilante after his family is murdered, exacting vengeance on the killers - and then on all criminals who have slipped through the system.

The Goonies

The Goonies is a 1985 American adventure–comedy film directed by Richard Donner. The screenplay was written by Chris Columbus from a story by executive producer Steven Spielberg. The film's premise features a band of pre-teens who live in the "Goon Docks" neighborhood of Astoria, Oregon attempting to save their homes from demolition, and in doing so, discover an old Spanish map that leads them on an adventure to unearth the long-lost fortune of One-Eyed Willie, a legendary 17th-century pirate.


The Goonies, a group of friends living in the "Goon Docks" neighborhood of Astoria, Oregon, face foreclosure on their families' homes from the expanding Astoria Country Club. On their last weekend together their morale sinks particularly low because Mikey's (Sean Astin) older brother Brand (Josh Brolin) failed his driver's license exam, thwarting their plans to "cruise the coast in style." While rummaging through the Walshes' attic, they find an old newspaper clipping, a Spanish map, and an artifact relating to a rumor of a lost pirate treasure somewhere in the area. Hearing the call of adventure, Mikey tries to persuade his friends to join him in search for the treasure hoarded by a pirate named One-Eyed Willie. Initially reluctant, the group eventually decides to evade the authority of Brand, and escape for one last "Goonie adventure."
They head down the coast and stumble upon a derelict seaside restaurant that seems to match coordinates set by the map and an old doubloon. They are unaware that the Fratellis, a family of fugitives, are using the restaurant as their hideout. After first encountering the family, the Goonies come back after the Fratellis have left and discover their criminal intents. They send Chunk (Jeff Cohen), the group's clumsy, heavy-set dreamer and teller of tall tales, to get help. However, the Fratellis return before they can leave, forcing the Goonies to use a cavern underneath the restaurant to escape. The Fratellis capture Chunk and interrogate him, learning nothing until a colony of bats burst out of the cavern beneath the restaurant. Chunk is placed in the same room with the forsaken and deformed Fratelli brother, Sloth (John Matuszak), while the rest of the Fratellis enter the cavern and follow the Goonies' trail.

As the Goonies traverse the cavern, Mikey discovers that it matches up with the map and convinces the rest of the group to continue to follow it to find the treasure. They overcome many deadly traps set by One-Eyed Willie, and eventually arrive at a large underground cavern and a lagoon where Willie's ship, the Inferno, lies waiting. While others begin to fill their pockets with the riches on the ship, Mikey locates Willie's remains, and reverently acknowledges him as the "first Goonie", leaving part of the treasure with him as a mark of respect. However, as the Goonies exit the hold, they are cornered by the Fratellis, who take the kids' treasure and force them to walk the plank. The Goonies are saved by the timely arrival of Chunk and Sloth, now close friends, who help the rest of the group to shore. With the children no longer a threat, the Fratellis ransack the rest of the ship, including the share of the treasure Mikey left for Willie. This sets off a final booby trap, causing the cave to begin collapsing. The Goonies flee through a hole in the cave, finding themselves on a beach. Two passing policemen spot them and call in for help.

The Goonies are soon reunited with their families while the Fratellis are taken into custody and Chunk offers to take Sloth into his home. As the Astoria Country Club calls upon Mikey's father to sign over the final deed to his property, Rosalita (Lupe Ontiveros), the Walshes' maid, discovers that Mikey's marble bag contains a large handful of precious jewels taken from the ship. Mikey's father quickly estimates that their value is more than enough to save the Goon Docks. As the families rejoice, they spot the unmanned Inferno, now free of the cave, drifting away.

The Incredible Burt Wonderstone

The Incredible Burt Wonderstone is a 2013 comedy film directed by Don Scardino and written by John Francis Daley and Jonathan Goldstein, based on a story by Chad Kultgen & Tyler Mitchell, and Daley & Goldstein. The film follows Las Vegas magician Burt Wonderstone (Steve Carell) as he attempts to reunite with his former partner Anton Marvelton (Steve Buscemi) to take on dangerous street magician Steve Gray (Jim Carrey). It also features Alan Arkin, Olivia Wilde and James Gandolfini.

The film began development in 2006, when New Line Cinema bought Kultgen's script, "Burt Dickenson: The Most Powerful Magician on Planet Earth". The development process gained momentum when Charles McDougall was hired as director in 2011, but he eventually left the project and was replaced with Scardino. Daley and Goldstein rewrote Kultgen's script which then saw further rewrites from Jason Reitman in June 2011.

Filming was scheduled to begin in October 2011, in Los Angeles, California but was pushed back to January 2012. On a $30 million budget, filming began on January 10, 2012 in Nevada with filming later moving to Los Angeles. The Incredible Burt Wonderstone was released on March 15, 2013, and earned over $27 million. Reviews generally praised Carrey's and Arkin's performances, but criticized the plot's inconsistent tone and predictability.

In 1982, young Albert is harassed by bullies. His mother gives him a special magic trick set by veteran magician Rance Holloway as his birthday present. He studies the instructional video and begins to practice some tricks, attracting the attention of a classmate, Anthony. They practice together and eventually become professional magicians Burt Wonderstone and Anton Marvelton, earning them success and an ongoing headlining act at the Bally's Hotel in Las Vegas. However, after ten years of performing the same tricks over and over again, Anton is fed up with Burt's ego, which has already cost them previous female assistants, all called "Nicole" in the act. In a rush, Burt enlists production assistant Jane as the new Nicole.

Burt and Anton encounter up-and-coming street magician Steve Gray performing a unique yet horrifying card trick for his TV magic show, Brain Rapist. Audience numbers soon dwindle at Burt and Anton's show, upsetting Bally's owner Doug Munny. Taking a cue from Gray's endurance-based stunts, Anton suggests that he and Burt try a similar tack—locking themselves in a plastic cage called the Hot Box hung above ground. Overconfident, Burt does not prepare for the stunt and almost instantly falls into a panic, causing the stunt to fail and injuring Anton. Anton angrily ends his partnership with Burt, and Jane also quits.

Burt refuses to change his act, staging his two-man show alone to disastrous results. Munny shuts down the production and Burt, having squandered his earnings over the years, is left broke. Despondent, Burt tries to find work and is eventually hired as an entertainer at an assisted-living facility catering to former Vegas entertainers. There he meets Holloway, who retired several years before because he found that he was no longer happy performing. Holloway counsels Burt about magic, inspiring him to remember the initial wonder that led him to become a magician. Burt is shocked to see Jane—herself an aspiring magician—working for Gray. Appalled by Gray's style, Holloway and Burt polish their own tricks. Jane visits her grandmother at the facility and patches things up with Burt.

Doug is opening a new casino-hotel and is offering a five-year contract to the winner of a talent search on the casino's opening night. He invites Burt to do a magic show at his son's birthday party, but Gray also appears and tries to upstage Burt with his own tricks. Disgusted by Gray's actions, Jane leaves his show. Burt reconnects with Anton, who has been distributing magic sets in Cambodia. A drug found in Cambodia that puts users into a deep sleep gives them an idea for a sensational trick.

At the show, Gray's performance involves him drilling into his brain, claiming it will not affect him. Holloway introduces Burt, Anton, and Jane's performance, the "Disappearing Audience". The group secretly sedates the audience with sleeping gas and then transports them to an outside location in the same seating locations. The audience awakes and responds with awe, and Doug awards the headlining act to Burt and Anton; they ask Jane to be their opening act. The trio then performs the Disappearing Audience trick again, returning everyone to the casino theater, as now mentally-impaired Gray watches on with the drill bit still in his skull.
As the film ends, the final scene shows how Burt, Anton, Holloway and others transported the audience to the open area, by unceremoniously dragging and transporting the unconscious audience members to the area, and hauling them back to the theater in a moving van.

Virran viemää (engl. Flushed Away)

Virran viemää (engl. Flushed Away) on brittiläisen Aardman Animationsin ja yhdysvaltalaisen Dreamworksin yhteistyössä tekemä animaatioelokuva, joka valmistui vuonna 2006. Sen keskeisiä ääninäyttelijöitä ovat Hugh Jackman, Kate Winslet, Ian McKellen ja Jean Reno.

Elokuvan päähahmo on Lontoon Kensingtonissa asuva lemmikkihiiri Roddy St. James, joka elää ylellistä elämää upeassa kartanossa. Eräänä päivänä hänen luokseen lehahtaa yhtäkkiä viemärirotta, joka vetää Roddyn vessanpytystä alas viemäriin. Viemärissä Roddy kohtaa rottien ja hiirien asuttaman pienoiskaupungin, joka on kopio Lontoosta. Myöhemmin Roddy löytää kipakan rottatyttö Ritan. Roddy ja Rita joutuvat ilkeän sammakon VonKonnan luo. VonKonnalla on ilkeä suunnitelma, jolla hän aikoo hukuttaa koko Lontoon viemäriverkoston asukkaat.

Shrek kolmas (Shrek the Third)

Shrek kolmas (Shrek the Third) on Shrek-elokuva, joka sai ensi-iltansa 18. toukokuuta 2007. Elokuva on jatkoa aiemmille elokuville Shrek ja Shrek 2. Elokuvan pohjalta on tehty myös samanniminen videopeli.

Kun Shrek meni naimisiin Fionan kanssa, viimeinen asia mitä hän halusi, oli tulla kuninkaaksi. Hän kuitenkin löytää itsensä juuri siitä tilanteesta kun appiukko yllättäen kuolee. Ellei Shrek yhdessä uskollisten ystäviensä Aasin ja Saapasjalkakissan kanssa löydä sopivaa kuningasta Kaukaiselle maalle, saattaa tämä vihreä jätti periä valtikan. Lupaavin kandidaatti kruununperijäksi on Fionan serkku Arthur, joka on alisuorittava keskiaikainen lukiolaislintsari. Arthur on Worstershiren "lukiossa" ja sinne Shrek, Aasi ja Saapasjalkakissa tulevatkin. Arthurin käännyttäminen onkin sitten suurempi haaste kuin Shrek toivoi.

Midgets vs. Mascots

Midgets vs. Mascots is notable for being the last film made by Gary Coleman.


An African-American Family wake up one Friday morning and get ready for an average Friday of work and school. Craig (Ice Cube) gets a call, from his former girlfriend, abusing him and accusing him of going out with another woman. He gets out of his bed, angry and frustrated, and goes and gets cereal, then his dad says the all famous line: Every time I come in the kitchen, you in the kitchen. In the goddamn refrigerator. Eatin' up all the food. All the chitlins... All the pig's feet... All the collard greens... All the hog maws. I wanna eat them chitlins... I like pigs feet. He then proceeds and then his friend Smokey (Chris Tucker) knocks on the door and then they sit on the front porch and start making conversation. They Perve on the local mothers and neighbours. They then see the local bully and hide all their valuables. He talks Smokey into helping him break into his next door neighbours house. After that the boys get high. They then get shot at by some people that Smokey owed money to. Then they finally leave and they see the girl that Craig wants getting hit by the bully. So he pulls a gun out on the bully to scare him, this doesnt work, so hit hits him over the head with a brick and then he gets knocked out, the movie then ends, then they proceed with a sequal.


Jotkut pystyvät siirtämään esineitä ajatuksillaan, jotkut näkemään tulevaisuuteen ja toiset tunkeutumaan aivoihisi. Maanalaiset järjestöt ovat vuosikausia yrittäneet kehittää ihmisaseita henkilöistä, joilla on yliluonnollisia kykyjä. Nyt vaarallinen tavoite on toteutumaisillaan. Chris Evans ja Dakota Fanning näyttelevät kahta näennäisen tavallista ihmistä, joiden erityiskyvyt ovat ajaneet heidät hengenvaaraan. Push on sekoitus X-Men-elokuvaa ja Heroes-televisiosarjaa.

Rottaralli (Rat Race)

Rottaralli (Rat Race) on Jerry Zuckerin vuonna 2001 ohjaama yhdysvaltalainen komediaelokuva.

Pohatta Donald Sinclair (John Cleese) omistaa suuren ja upean kasinon Las Vegasissa. Hakeakseen jännitystä itselleen ja miljardööriystävilleen hän järjestää omalaatuisen kilpailun. Kuusi sattumanvaraista kävijää voittaa kultakolikon, jossa lukee: "Sinä voitit, mene infoon." Infossa heitä kehotetaan menemään kello 10 kattohuoneistoon. Kattohuoneistossa Sinclair kertoo jättäneensä kaksi miljoonaa dollaria rautatieaseman säilytyslokeroon New Mexicoon, ja ensimmäinen sinne ehtinyt saa pitää rahat. Matkasta Silver Cityyn syntyy hulvaton seikkailu. Kilpailijoiden tietämättä kilpailun tarkoituksena on saada miljardöörit nauramaan ja lyömään vetoa.

Crow 2 – enkelten kaupunki

Crow 2 – enkelten kaupunki (USA, 1996) on Crow-sarjan toinen osa, päähenkilönä tällä kertaa Ashe (Vincent Perez). Hän herää kuolleista, koska oli poikansa kanssa väärässä paikassa, väärään aikaan. Vuotta ennen heräämistä hän oli vahingossa todistanut huumejengin tekemää murhaa. Ashe ja hänen poikansa murhataan huumepomon käskystä. Ashe alkaa raivoissaan tappaa poikansa murhaan osallisia, mutta huomaamattaan samalla
rakastuu häntä auttavaan kuolevaiseen, Sarahiin (Mia Kirshner).

Johnny English

Johnny English on vuonna 2003 valmistunut komediaelokuva, jonka ohjasi Peter Howitt.
Johnny Englishin hahmo pohjautuu televisiomainoksissa esiintyneeseen Rowan Atkinsonin esittämään salaiseen agenttiin. Käsikirjoittajat Neal Purvis ja Robert Wade ovat toimineet myös James Bond -elokuvien käsikirjoittajina. Elokuvalle julkaistiin jatko-osa Johnny English – uudestisyntynyt vuonna 2011.

Pääosassa on vakoojaa näyttelevä Rowan Atkinson. Hänen pitää apurinsa Boughin (Ben Miller) kanssa tutkia Britannian kruununjalokivien varkautta. Pääepäiltyinä ovat ranskalainen yrittäjä Pascal Sauvage (John Malkovich) ja Lorna Campbell (Natalie Imbruglia).

8. helmikuuta 2014

Jack the Giant Slayer

Jack the Giant Slayer on vuonna 2013 ensi-iltansa saanut yhdysvaltalainen fantasia- ja seikkailuelokuva, jonka tarina perustuu satuihin ”Jaakko Jättiläisentappaja” sekä ”Jaakko ja pavunvarsi”. Elokuvan ohjasi Bryan Singer ja sen pääosissa näyttelevät Nicholas Hoult, Eleanor Tomlinson, Stanley Tucci, Ian McShane, Bill Nighy ja Ewan McGregor. Käsikirjoituksen laativat Darren Lemke, Christopher McQuarrie ja Dan Studney. Elokuvan Suomen ensi-ilta on 22. maaliskuuta 2013

Men in Black II – Miehet mustissa 2

Men in Black II – Miehet mustissa 2 (tunnetaan myös nimellä MIIB) on vuonna 2002 ilmestynyt tieteistoimintakomedia elokuva. Se on jatkoa vuonna 1997 ilmestyneelle menestyselokuvalle Men in Black – miehet mustissa ja sen pääosissa nähdään aiemmasta osasta tutut Tommy Lee Jones ja Will Smith. Elokuva oli edeltäjänsä tavoin kaupallinen menestys ja se tuotti maailmanlaajuisesti noin 442 miljoonaa dollaria.
Elokuvan jatko-osa Men in Black III, sai ensi-iltansa toukokuussa 2012

Wall Street – rahan ja vallan katu

Wall Street – rahan ja vallan katu (Wall Street) on vuonna 1987 ensi-iltansa saanut yhdysvaltalainen draamaelokuva, jonka on ohjannut Oliver Stone. Elokuvan pääosissa ovat Michael Douglas, Charlie Sheen ja Daryl Hannah.
Michael Douglas voitti elokuvasta Parhaan miespääosan Oscar-palkinnon ja parhaan miespääosan Golden Globen (draamaelokuva).
Elokuvan jatko-osa Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps sai ensi-iltansa syksyllä 2010, yli kaksikymmentä vuotta ensimmäisen osan jälkeen.

Thor: The Dark World

Thor: The Dark World on vuonna 2013 ensi-iltansa saanut yhdysvaltalainen supersankarielokuva, jonka on ohjannut Alan Taylor. Se on jatkoa vuoden 2011 elokuvalle Thor ja kuuluu löyhästi toisiinsa liittyvien Marvel Cinematic Universe -elokuvien sarjaan.

Palattuaan Asgardiin Thor joutuu suojelemaan yhdeksää maailmaa ja rakastettuaan, Jane Fosteria, jotka ovat vaarassa hävitä maailmankaikkeutta vanhemmalle vastustajalle, Malekithille ja tämän joukoille. Thor joutuu kuitenkin pyytämään apua pahalta velipuoleltaan, Lokilta, joka on nyt vankina Asgardissa.

Elukka (aka The Animal)

Elukka (engl. The Animal) on vuonna 2001 ensi-iltansa saanut komediaelokuva. Elokuvan on ohjannut Luke Greenfield ja pääosassa on Rob Schneider.
Elokuva kertoo Marvinista, joka toimistotyössään poliisiasemalla haaveilee oikeasta poliisin työstä. Haavensa toteuttamiseksi hänen täytyisi läpäistä kuntotesti, joka on kuitenkin Marvinille melkein mahdotonta. Eräänä päivänä Marvin joutuu auto-onnettomuuteen ja syöksyy autossaan jyrkänteeltä. Hullu tiedemies pelastaa Marvinin ja käyttää tätä koekaniininaan. Marvin herää autossaan tietämättä mitään hänelle tehdyistä kokeista, mutta pian tiedemiehen kokeiden tuloksena Marvinin käytös alkaa muuttua eri eläimiä muistuttavaksi.


Bio-Dome - kuvulla kaaliin on vuonna 1996 ensi-iltansa saanut komediaelokuva. Elokuvan pääosia esittävät Pauly Shore, Stephen Baldwin, William Atherton, Joey Lauren Adams, Rose McGowan ja Kylie Minogue. Elokuvan on ohjannut Jason Bloom. Elokuva ei menestynyt taloudellisesti ja voitti Razzie-palkinnon huonoimmasta miespääosasta.