29. lokakuuta 2014

Shallow Hal

Shallow Hal is a 2001 romantic comedy film starring Gwyneth Paltrow, Jack Black, and Jason Alexander. It was directed by the Farrelly brothers and filmed in and around Charlotte, North Carolina as well as Sterling and Princeton, Massachusetts at Wachusett Mountain.

Hal Larson (Jack Black) is a superficial man whose fixation on the physical beauty of women gets in the way of seeing them for their inner beauty. Hal and his equally shallow friend, Mauricio Wilson (Jason Alexander), spend their nights obnoxiously hitting on beautiful women at nightclubs. Hal's work life is steady, but he is dismayed after being passed over for a long-sought promotion.

By a twist of fate, Hal becomes trapped in an elevator with famous American life coach Tony Robbins. Getting to know Hal while awaiting the workmen's effort to get the elevator operational again, Tony Robbins sympathizes with Hal's work disappointment but tries to figure out his ideas about women, so he hypnotizes him into only seeing physical manifestations of a person's inner beauty. Hal agrees to Robbins' suggestion but does not catch on to the fact it is hypnosis, and later meets and is smitten by Rosemary Shanahan (Gwyneth Paltrow), the daughter of Steve Shanahan (Joe Viterelli), the president of the company where Hal is employed. Rosemary is morbidly obese, but Hal sees her as a slender and beautiful trophy blonde because of her kind and generous personality. Mr. Shanahan is not certain about Hal dating his daughter, thinking that Hal may be going to any lengths to get to the top of the corporate ladder. Used to being overlooked by men due to her appearance, Rosemary initially interprets Hal’s interest in her as mocking, but begins to date Hal when she realizes his feelings for her are authentic.

Mauricio becomes increasingly worried about Hal's new taste in women and convinces Robbins to give him the trigger phrase to undo the hypnosis. Mauricio phones Hal while Hal is on a date with Rosemary and says the trigger phrase, "Shallow Hal wants a gal", which serves to break Hal's hypnosis. Mauricio confesses to Hal the truth about Robbins' hypnotherapy, but Hal does not believe this until he runs into Katrina (Brooke Burns), a woman who initially appeared beautiful to him due to her internal beauty, but whom Hal now sees in her true, unattractive state.

Hal begins to avoid Rosemary, who in turn becomes melancholic without him around. Distraught that he has not been seeing the "real" Rosemary, Hal accepts a dinner invitation from his neighbour, Jill, with whom he once had an unsuccessful date. The two dine together and Jill tells Hal that she has observed him overcoming his shallow nature and that she is interested in dating him now.

However, Hal realizes that his true feelings are for Rosemary, who has coincidentally arrived at the same restaurant with her family and sees Hal and Jill seated together. Assuming the worst, Rosemary leaves in tears. Not recognizing Rosemary, Hal walks right by her on his way to the pay phone, ironically to reaffirm her of his feelings. Confused and distraught, Rosemary calls Hal a "psycho" over the phone and effectively breaks up with him.

Five days later, Steve chastises Hal and coldly informs him that Rosemary’s Peace Corps partner wants to be in a relationship with her again. Hal attempts to find Rosemary, but instead encounters a young patient named Cadence at the hospital where Rosemary volunteers. Previously, due to Robbins’ hypnosis, Hal saw Cadence as a perfect little girl; he now sees that there are severe burns all over Cadence’s face. Hal then realizes that he doesn’t need hypnosis to see people’s true inner beauty.

Rosemary decides to leave the country to rejoin the Peace Corps. Hal, during his search for Rosemary, finds that Mauricio had his own reason for stopping Hal's hypnosis: He has a vestigial tail, his shame over which has prevented him from ever getting close to a woman. Mauricio confesses that he was jealous of Hal's happiness and is afraid of starting relationships with women.

Hal makes up with Mauricio and decides to try to reconcile with Rosemary. Hal arrives at the Shanahan mansion, where a bon voyage party for Rosemary is underway. Rosemary initially rebuffs Hal's presence, but then accepts his apology when Hal professes his love for her. Rosemary then informs Hal that she is still leaving on her Peace Corps mission, at which point Hal says that he is coming too, having just been sworn-in to the Peace Corps.

Hal and Rosemary reconcile and are cheered by the crowd as they kiss. He tries to carry her bridal-style to the car, but finds he can’t lift her, so she carries him to the car instead. As they drive off, Mauricio meets a woman who loves dogs and the two walk off together as he wags his "tail".

Mr. Deeds

Mr. Deeds is a 2002 American comedy film directed by Steven Brill and starring Adam Sandler and Winona Ryder. The movie is a remake of the 1936 Frank Capra film Mr. Deeds Goes to Town, and also stars Peter Gallagher, John Turturro, Allen Covert, and Steve Buscemi. The movie was produced by Happy Madison and New Line Cinema and was distributed by Columbia Pictures.

Preston Blake, hoping to be a disc jockey as a young man, slowly worked his way up and founded Blake Media, a major corporation running hundreds of television and radio stations with 50,000 employees. After 82-year-old Blake freezes to death on the summit of Mount Everest with a triumphant smile on his face, a search for his heir begins.

It is found that Blake has a living nephew named Longfellow Deeds (Adam Sandler), who runs a pizzeria in New Hampshire and also writes greeting cards in the hopes that Hallmark may be interested in one. Deeds is contacted and brought to New York City by businessman Chuck Cedar (Peter Gallagher), who is temporarily in control of Blake Media. Plans are made for Deeds to sell his shares in the company to Cedar and return home $40 billion richer, but he must remain in New York for a few days while all the legal details are worked out.

The story is major news, and reporter Babe Bennett (Winona Ryder), who works for a tabloid show called Inside Access, has a co-worker pretend to steal her purse in sight of Deeds, because their research indicated that Deeds wanted to meet a girl by "rescuing" her, the same way his father had met his mother. Deeds does so, and beats up her "robber", and Babe goes out with him under the disguise of Pam Dawson, a school nurse from a made-up town called Winchestertonfieldville, Iowa (which later turns out to be a real town, which Babe is flabbergasted to find out).

Though Babe initially hopes to just get a good story on the new heir, she eventually falls for the unfailingly kind-hearted Deeds, and decides to tell him that she is not who she says she is, but Inside Access, in concert with Cedar (who was fed the truth by the fake robber and was smitten with Babe) reveals it to Deeds first. Heartbroken and upset, Deeds decides to return home to Mandrake Falls and makes plans to donate his $40 billion inheritance to the United Negro College Fund. After returning to Mandrake Falls, he learns from Crazy Eyes (Steve Buscemi) that Cedar intends to sell off the company, which will cause thousands of people to lose their jobs (Cedar had convinced Longfellow to sell his shares by lying that he will work commanding the company in honor of Preston's lifetime of work). Babe follows Deeds to Mandrake Falls to win him back, but after saving her life when she falls through the ice over a lake, he rejects her, saying he does not really know who she is.

At a shareholders meeting, Cedar has everyone convinced to sell the company, until Deeds (who has bought a single share) arrives and manages to convince everyone not to sell. But Cedar claims control of a majority of the shares and the sale is approved. Bennett arrives and reveals that Blake's butler, Emilio (John Turturro), is Preston Blake's illegitimate son and the true heir as a result of a younger Preston having an amourous affair with his maid in 1958 (at one point he had told Deeds that Blake treated him "like a son"). Realizing Emilio is Longfellow's cousin, Deeds convinces him they must stop Cedar and that he is the rightful CEO. As a result of Emilio supplanting Longfellow as the heir, Deeds' sale of shares are retracted.

Emilio immediately takes control of Blake Media and fires Cedar. Babe then reconciles with and kisses Deeds after professing her love for him. As they leave the meeting, Emilio thanks Deeds for his support and offers him a billion dollars, some of which Deeds spends on red Corvettes for everyone in Mandrake Falls. When he returns to the pizzeria with Babe, he learns that Hallmark is interested in buying one of his greeting cards: the one he wrote for Babe when he professed his love for her. They both share a kiss as the movie ends with Crazy Eyes crashing his Corvette and is unharmed.

Maleficent – Pahatar

Maleficent – Pahatar (engl. Maleficent) on vuonna 2014 ensi-iltansa saanut yhdysvaltalainen fantasiaelokuva, jonka on ohjannut Robert Stromberg. Elokuva kertoo Prinsessa Ruususen tarinan Pahattaren näkökulmasta. Pääosaa näyttelee Angelina Jolie.

Elokuvan ensi-ilta oli Suomessa 28. toukokuuta 2014 ja Yhdysvalloissa se oli 30. toukokuuta 2014.

Knights of Badassdom

Knights of Badassdom is a 2013 American comedy horror film,  directed by Joe Lynch,  written by Kevin Dreyfuss and Matt Wall. It stars Ryan Kwanten, Steve Zahn, Summer Glau, and Peter Dinklage.

Three best friends and dedicated roleplayers take to the woods to reenact a dungeons and dragons-like LARP. Trouble arises when a prop spellbook purchased from the internet ends up being a genuine grimoire and they unwittingly conjure up a blood-lusting succubus from hell.

Jackass: The Movie

Jackass: The Movie on 25. lokakuuta 2002 ensi-ltansa saanut komediaelokuva. Elokuva perustuu samannimiseen televisiosarjaan, Jackassiin ja elokuvassa on mukana kaikki ryhmän alkuperäiset jäsenet. Myös muita televisiosarjassa esiintyneitä henkilöitä nähdään elokuvassa. Tähän kastiin kuuluvat Rake Yohn, Manny Puig, Phil Margera ja April Margera.

Elokuvassa ei ole keskeistä juonta, vaan se koostuu yksittäisistä stunteista ja piloista. Kuitenkin yksi ns. juoni on saada Bam Margeran äiti sanomaan "vittu" ennen elokuvan loppua.

Epäonnistunut lopetus
Jackass-elokuva päättyi fiktiiviseen Son of Jackass -traileriin, mutta alun perin lopetus piti olla Rube Goldberg-laite, jossa Preston Lacy heilauttaa itsensä päin ulkohuusia, jossa Ehren McGhehey on sisällä. Ehren tippui alas WC-paperille ja laukaisi nyrkkeilyhanskan, joka löi Ryan Dunnia ja tipauttaa tämän tervaan ja höyheniin. Keilapallo tippuu alas ja Steve-O putoaa mädäntyvään liha-veteen, jossa on miljoonittain bakteereita. Steve-O nousee ylös ja oksensi ämpäriin. Jalka potkaisee Wee-Manin alas fortunaseinää. Alhaalla raketti laukeaa ja lähettää Dave Englandin ramppia pitkin alas keilapallojen kanssa pukeutuneena penikseksi. Dave laskeutuu patjalle, joka työntää Bam Margeran kolmelle trampoliinille ja Bam osuu vihreään lautaan, joka lähettää Chris Pontiuksen ramppia pitkin alas mutaan alligaattorien keskelle. Pontius hyppäsi verkkoon, joka pudotti pianon ja Johnny Knoxville lensi järveen ja Trip Taylor veti liipaisimesta, jossa lukee "The End".

Jackass: Number Two

Jackass: Number Two on 22. syyskuuta 2006 ensi-iltansa saanut jatko-osa vuonna 2002 julkaistulle komediaelokuvalle Jackass: The Movie. Alkuperäisestä Jackass-porukasta mukana ovat lähes kaikki, Johnny Knoxville, Bam Margera, Ryan Dunn, Chris Pontius, Steve-O, Dave England, Ehren McGhehey, Preston Lacy ja Jason "Wee-Man" Acuña. Ainoastaan Chris Raab ei ole mukana. Elokuvan kuvaukset aloitettiin tammikuussa 2006 ja se sai ensi-iltansa Yhdysvalloissa 22. syyskuuta 2006. Ensimmäisenä viikonloppunaan elokuva tuotti 29 miljoonaa dollaria ja vei ykkössijan Yhdysvaltojen Box Office -listalla. lokuvan jälkeen julkaistiin "Jackass 2.5", jossa on ylijäämämateriaalia Number Twon kuvauksista.

Jackass: Number Two -elokuvassa ei ole keskeistä juonta, vaan se koostuu yksittäisistä stunteista ja piloista ykkösosan tapaan.

Elokuva alkaa Ennio Morriconen kappaleella The Ecstasy of Gold, jonka aikana pääosissa olevat Jackass-ryhmän jäsenet pakenevat autioitunutta asuinaluetta pitkin heidän perässään juoksevia härkiä. Yksitellen härät niittaavat Jackass-ryhmän jäsenet pois pelistä, kunnes jäljelle jää Johnny Knoxville, joka heittää ilmoille tutun fraasin “Hi, I’m Johnny Knoxville, welcome to Jackass!”, ja elokuvan otsikkoteksti “Jackass: Number Two” ilmaantuu kuvaan. Johnny ei pääse ikkunasta läpi ja härkä puskee hänet läpi.


WolfCop is a Canadian horror film from writer/director Lowell Dean. The film was released to Cineplex theatres nation wide on June 6, 2014.  It is the first film chosen for production from the CineCoup Film Accelerator. It stars Jesse Moss, Amy Matysio, Jonathan Cherry, Sarah Lind, Aidan Devine, Corrine Conley and Leo Fafard. The plot revolves around an alcoholic small town cop who transforms into a werewolf after being cursed.WolfCop comes to UK DVD and Blu-ray on the 13th October, 2014 with artwork from The Dude Designs.

Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort

Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort is a 2014 American horror film directed by Valeri Milev and the sixth installment in the Wrong Turn film series. The film was released on DVD on October 21, 2014-

Daria and Nick are riding their bikes deep in Hobb Springs Bike Trail. They find a small watering hole and bath in it as they began to have sex. Afterward, they ride their bikes until Nick falls off his bike and discovers that an unknown person attacked him with an bow and arrow. Three Finger kills Nick with an arrow through the face, and Daria attempts to flee, only to ride into a strip of barbed wire set by One Eye and Saw-Tooth, who then kill her.

Danny and his girlfriend Toni, Bryan and his girlfriend Jillian, Vic, Rod, and Charlie go to the Hobb Springs Resort, where they meet caretakers Sally and Jackson, who take them in to eat though they were not expecting so many guests. Agnes, a vacationer, is soon attacked by a unknown person who throws a axe at her. Jackson then snaps her neck, killing her.

Charlie, Vic and Rod swim outside as Toni takes a bath and Jackson takes Danny out in the woods to hunt. Danny mistakenly shoots a police officer who is killed by Three Finger. As Toni is gets dressed, she sees Jackson wipe off blood from the wall, and she takes Vic along with her to look for Danny. Vic sees One-Eye, runs away, and falls into a trap with Danny. Vic escapes the trap and seeks help for Danny. Jackson and Vic carry Danny back to the resort, where Sally attends his Danny's wounds and begins to seductively undress him. When Toni walks in, Sally leaves and watches the two have sex.

Vic, Rod, and Charlie harass Bryan and Jillian, who were having sex in the pool. Jillian and Bryan have sex with Sally watches, and the hillbillies attack them. Jillian is killed, but Sally stops them from killing Bryan. Sally has sex with Bryan, but Jackson interrupts them. When he leaves, Sally kills Bryan. Jackson and Sally then introduce Danny to his long-lost family, though Danny does not believe he is related. As Vic hides in the bushes, he listens to the conversation. Saw-Tooth captures him, and Three Finger cuts his throat.

In the morning, Toni Rod, and Charlie here a knock on their door. When he enters, Danny tells them to leave, though he is staying. As they leave, they see Jackson cook their friends and hide. When they see Jillian's head in the freezer, they scream and flee, only to run into the hillbillies. Toni and Rod escape, but Charlie is captured and killed. Toni insists that she and Rod return to help Danny, but Rod tells her that they can send help later. Toni grabs a shotgun and goes back for Danny. Toni confronts Sally, whom she attempts to kill.

As Sally and Toni fight, Toni burns Sally's face in boiling water and wounds her with the gun. Danny enters and asks why she is attempting to kill his family. After Jackson attempts to kill Toni, Danny lets her go; Jackson says she knows too much and pursues her, eventually stabbing her with a knife. As Danny says his goodbyes, Three Finger kills her. Later, Danny is shown as a caretaker at the resort. In the last scene, Danny takes Sally from a wheelchair, and they have sex.

Wrong Turn 5: Bloodline

Wrong Turn 5: Bloodlines (also known as Wrong Turn 5) is a 2012 American horror film written and directed by Declan O'Brien and the fifth installment in the Wrong Turn film series. The film is a sequel to Wrong Turn 4: Bloody Beginnings and serves as a prequel. The film was released on DVD and Blu-ray on October 23, 2012.

After the cannibals Three Finger, Saw Tooth and One Eye escape through the Glensville Sanatorium, the Hillicker brothers joined with the help of serial killer Maynard (Doug Bradley), start a murdering rampage nearby the city of Fairlake, Greenbrier County, West Virginia where they first murder news reporter Kaleen Webber.

Meanwhile, five friends: Billy (Simon Ginty), his girlfriend Cruz (Amy Lennox), Lita (Roxanne McKee), her boyfriend Gus (Paul Luebke) and Julian (Oliver Hoare) are on their way to Fairlake, West Virginia to celebrate the Mountain Man Festival on Halloween. Along the way, they almost run over Maynard, who attacks them. Billy, Gus and Julian attack Maynard out of self-defense, but are all apprehended along with Lita and Cruz by Sheriff Angela Carter (Camilla Arfwedson) and her partner Deputy Biggs (Kyle Redman Jones). While Sheriff Carter leaves to take them to the police station, the cannibals appear and kill Deputy Biggs.

After being locked up in the police station, Billy confesses to Sheriff Carter that he owns his friends' drugs, and he stays at the police station while they are free to go. Meanwhile, the cannibals drive to the city, killing a guard at the power plant, and shut down the town's electricity. The teens register at a motel to stay. On her way to visit Billy, Cruz is chased by Three Finger, who kills her. After leaving the motel, Julian goes back to the police station, only to learn Cruz did not return.

At the motel, Gus and Lita make love, afterwards, Gus professes his love for Lita and asks her to marry him. She scoffs, telling him she is moving to New York, and needs some time alone to find herself. After Lita gets up to take a shower, the cannibals capture Gus when he answers the door. Lita is attacked too, but she manages to escape. The cannibals proceed to break Gus's legs, and then dump him in front of the Sheriff's office. Sheriff Carter attempts to save him, but the cannibals run over him with their tow truck, killing him. Sheriff Carter frees Billy, and gives him, Julian and prisoner Mose (Duncan Wisbey) shotguns after deputizing them.

The Sheriff manages to communicate with someone via shortwave town asking them to call for backup, but the man on the other end thinks the message is a joke. Lita manages to make it to the Sheriff's office, but is almost killed when Mose shoots through the door as she tries to open it. The Sheriff then warns Julian and Billy not to go looking for Cruz, but they ignore her warning and go in search of her anyway. They wander the streets and find Cruz's dead body; while trying to get the body to the Sheriff's office, they encounter the cannibals and are captured. The cannibals kill them both with a snow blower. Sheriff Carter then sends Mose to go search for the deputies, but he unknowingly runs over spikes in the road and crashes. He awakens to find himself captured by the cannibals and they burn him alive.

After hearing Mose's accident over the radio, Sheriff Carter tries to go for help but discovers her husband bound in a car and tries to help him. She discovers too late it is a trap and he dies, until she was attacked and captured by Three Finger. After Sheriff Carter leaves, Maynard convinces Lita that if she released him, he would let her live. However, after releasing him, Maynard proceeds to stab Lita's eyes out and threatens to rape her. Maynard then leaves the jail to meet up with "his boys", and Lita stumbles out the opened door. Carter awakens in the jail cell with her hands tied to the ceiling and Maynard gives Carter the option of her death, which is to be burned alive by fire or from a shotgun with the trigger tied to her feet, which will go off if she steps down off to her feet. They then proceed to burn down the cell.

As her feet begin to burn, Carter eventually triggers the shotgun, killing herself. Lita is then seen walking down the road, unable to see, asking for help when a tow truck stops. As Lita climbs in the truck and thinks she is saved, but the occupants are revealed to be Maynard and the cannibals. The film ends with Lita screaming in terror, as the truck drives away into the night with them.

Wrong Turn 4 - Bloody Beginnings

Wrong Turn 4: Bloody Beginnings is a 2011 American horror film written and directed by Declan O'Brien and the fourth installment in the Wrong Turn film series. The film serves as a prequel to the previous three films. The film was released on DVD and Blu-ray on October 25, 2011.

In 1974, at the Glensville Sanatorium, West Virginia, Dr. Brendan Ryan (Arne MacPherson) shows local psychiatrist Dr. Ann McQuaid (Kristen Harris) around the psychiatric hospital. He shows her three deformed patients, Three-Finger, One-Eye and Saw-Tooth, who all have the ability to sustain injury and not feel it. While Dr. Ryan and Dr. McQuaid move on, one of the mental patients grabs Dr. McQuaid's hair and rips out her hair clip, which she does not notice. The patient gives the hair clip to Saw-Tooth. The three deformed patients use the clip to pick the lock and escape their cells. They release the other patients and together they kill the orderlies and the doctors including McQuaid and Ryan.

In the present day, nine Weston University students: Kenia (Jennifer Pudavick), Jenna (Terra Vnesa), Vincent (Sean Skene), Bridget (Kaitlyn Leeb), Sara (Tenika Davis), Claire (Samantha Kendrick), Kyle (Victor Zinck, Jr.). Daniel (Dean Armstrong) and Lauren (Ali Tataryn) are snowmobiling, on their way to their friend Porter's cabin in the mountains. However, they get lost in a snowstorm and are forced to take shelter in the Glensville Sanatorium, where the surviving cannibals (Three-Finger, Saw-Tooth and One-Eye) settled. The teens explore the asylum and decide to wait out the storm. Lauren remembers her brother's stories about the sanatorium and the cannibals, but her friends do not believe her. After the group go to bed, Vincent, suffering from insomnia, begins strolling around the asylum. After he finds Porter's corpse, he is murdered by Saw-Tooth before he could alert the others. The next day as the storm continues, the teens notice that Vincent is missing and begin to look for him. While searching for him, Jenna witnesses the cannibals butchering Porter's body, and she runs back to warn the others. After they find Porter's severed head, Claire is caught around the throat with a strip of barbed wire and lifted up to a nearby balcony. Kyle attempts to save her, but the cannibals pull the wire tight, decapitating Claire. The group flees, but the cannibals have stripped off the spark plug wires on their snowmobiles. Lauren skis down the mountain to retrieve help, while the others barricade themselves in a doctor's office.

Later, Sara, Daniel and Kyle go to the basement to find weapons. After discovering an arsenal of knives and other tools, they return to the others, but the cannibals captured Daniel. The rest of the group overhears his screams and runs back to save him, but they arrive too late when Kyle finds the cannibals eating Daniel's body alive. The teens chase the cannibals, successfully trapping them in a cell. They begin to kill the cannibals, but Kenia refuses, saying that they would be just like the cannibals if they resorted to execution now that they had them at bay. The girls leave Kyle to guard the cannibals as they set off to find the spark plug wires. While Kyle is asleep, the cannibals use Dr. McQuaid's hair clip to escape and attack him. Giving up their search for the spark plug wires, the girls return to the doctor's office. During the night they mistake Kyle for a cannibal and accidentally stab him to death.

Realizing that they are locked in the building, Sara breaks a window and digs a tunnel through the snow. The girls escape, but Jenna is killed before she can get out. As Kenia, Sara and Bridget attempt to get away, the cannibals chase them on snowmobiles. The girls are separated while the cannibals attack and kill Bridget.

As the day dawns, Lauren has frozen to death in the storm. Kenia is still searching for the road when One-Eye reappears on a snowmobile. Sara arrives and saves Kenia, knocking One-Eye off the snowmobile and allowing the pair to steal it. As Kenia and Sara drive away, they accidentally run into a strip of barbed wire and are decapitated which was a trap of Three-Finger. Three-Finger picks up their heads and puts them in a tow truck, before driving away with the other cannibals.


Horns is a 2013 American-Canadian dark fantasy thriller film directed by Alexandre Aja, based on Joe Hill's novel of the same name. It stars Daniel Radcliffe as a man accused of the rape and murder of his girlfriend, he uses newly discovered paranormal abilities in his pursuit to uncover the real killer.

The film had its world premiere at the 2013 Toronto International Film Festival, and is set to have its theatrical release in the United States on October 31, 2014.


Non-Stop is a 2014 mystery-action film starring Liam Neeson, Julianne Moore, Michelle Dockery, Lupita Nyong'o and Scoot McNairy and directed by Jaume Collet-Serra. This is the first Silver Pictures film to be distributed by Universal Pictures after the end of the production company's deal with Warner Bros., and the first since Weird Science. The film received mixed reviews from critics.

Bill Marks is an alcoholic U.S. federal air marshal; he enrolled in the Air Marshal service after he was discharged from the NYPD. On a Boeing 767 non-stop flight from New York to London aboard British Aqualantic Flight 10, midway over the Atlantic Ocean, Marks receives text messages on his secure phone stating that someone on the plane will die every 20 minutes unless $150 million is transferred into a specific bank account.

Breaking protocol, Marks consults with Jack Hammond, the other air marshal on the flight. Hammond is revealed to be smuggling cocaine in a briefcase; following an altercation, Marks ends up killing him in a lavatory. This occurs exactly at the 20 minute mark, resulting in the first death. As Marks attempts to stall for time with the texter, he works with Nancy Hoffman, a flight attendant, and Jen Summers, a passenger seated next to Marks, to discover the texter's identity. When the next 20 minutes expires, the captain suddenly dies of poisoning.

The public becomes convinced that Marks is hijacking the plane, as the bank account is in his name and a passenger uploads video footage of him treating passengers aggressively with no explanation. Co-pilot Kyle Rice has been instructed by the TSA to ignore Marks and land in Iceland, the closest destination; he diverts the plane but continues to cautiously trust Marks. Cell phone programmer Zack White is asked by Marks to design a hack which will cause the texter's cell phone to ring. It is discovered in the pocket of a passenger, who claims to have never seen the phone before. Following a fight with Marks, the passenger dies in a similar fashion to the captain.

In the lavatory, Marks finds a hole in the wall that allowed someone to shoot a poison dart at the captain; he finds that the deceased passenger was struck with a dart as well. While Marks and Summers try to gain access to the texter's phone, it suddenly activates, sending automated messages to TSA implying that Marks is suicidal and is going to detonate a bomb on the plane.

Marks finds the bomb hidden in the cocaine smuggled by Hammond. Passengers attempt to disable Marks, convinced he is a terrorist. They overpower Marks but passenger Tom Bowen uses Marks's gun to make them move away. Marks finally explains the situation and they agree to work with him.

Unable to land the plane in time, he attempts to initiate a protocol of least damage: by descending the plane to 8,000 feet to equalize air pressure, placing the bomb in the rear of the plane, covering it with baggage and moving the passengers to the front to contain the explosion and minimize casualties.

Watching a video clip of himself handling passengers, Marks notices Bowen—whom he had initially cleared of any suspicion—slipping the texter's phone into the pocket of the second poison victim. Realizing that Bowen is the culprit, he learns that Bowen's father was killed in the 9/11 terrorist attacks and that he and White are ex-military. Appalled by the lack of security at U.S. airports after 9/11, Bowen believes framing an air marshal as a terrorist will lead to drastically increased security. Bowen is prepared to die with the plane and shoots White, who planned to parachute off with the money, after Marks persuaded White to disarm the bomb. Following another fight, Marks shoots Bowen in the head. Marks then fights and defeats White, who survived being shot by Bowen. Immediately afterwards, he escapes from the blast radius of the bomb; White is killed by the subsequent detonation.

Rice manages an emergency crash-landing at an air base in Iceland after the bomb explodes, disregarding orders from his fighter-jet escort. Despite their warnings, the fighter jets do not shoot the airliner down. The plane is damaged in the landing, but no one else dies. Marks is hailed as a hero in the media, and he and Summers begin their friendship.


Robots on yhdysvaltalainen vuonna 2005 valmistunut Blue Sky Studiosin tuottama ja 20th Century Foxin esittämä tietokoneanimaatioelokuva. Sen äänirooleissa esiintyvät Ewan McGregor, Robin Williams, Halle Berry, Greg Kinnear, Mel Brooks, Amanda Bynes ja Drew Carey. Suomenkielisen version ääninä ovat muiden muassa Jarkko Tamminen, Petri Hanttu, Krisse Salminen, Jukka Virtanen, Jaakko Saariluoma, Juha Veijonen, Santeri Kinnunen ja Sanna Majuri.

Super Buddies

Super Buddies is a 2013 direct-to-DVD family film, and the 7th installment in the Air Buddies franchise. It was released August 27, 2013.

The Synopsis of the movie reads:
Watch the fur fly as a new breed of superhero is born in Disney's fun-filled epic adventure. An ordinary day at Fernfield Farms turns extraordinary when Budderball, Mudbud, B-Dawg, Buddha and Rosebud discover mysterious rings that grant them each a unique superpower. Before you can say, "Buddies, assemble," the pups unleash their amazing abilities and race to the rescue when a shape-shifting bully from outer space threatens the planet. But can they succeed in kicking major tail without revealing their new secret identities? A must-own movie event packed with laughter, action and incredible new characters, SUPER BUDDIES proves when you use your wits and work together, you don't need superpowers to be a superhero!"

Men in Black II

Men in Black II – miehet mustissa II (tunnetaan myös nimellä MIIB) on vuonna 2002 ilmestynyt tieteistoimintakomedia elokuva. Se on jatkoa vuonna 1997 ilmestyneelle menestyselokuvalle Men in Black – miehet mustissa ja sen pääosissa nähdään aiemmasta osasta tutut Tommy Lee Jones ja Will Smith. Elokuva oli edeltäjänsä tavoin kaupallinen menestys ja se tuotti maailmanlaajuisesti noin 442 miljoonaa dollaria.

Elokuvan jatko-osa Men in Black III, sai ensi-iltansa toukokuussa 2012

Role Models

Role Models is a 2008 American comedy film directed by David Wain about two energy drink salesmen who are ordered to perform 150 hours of community service as punishment for various offenses. For their service, the two men work at a program designed to pair kids with adult role models. The film stars Seann William Scott, Paul Rudd, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Bobb'e J. Thompson, Jane Lynch, Elizabeth Banks and Ken Jeong.

Danny (Paul Rudd) and Wheeler (Seann William Scott) are two energy drink salesmen who promote a drink called "Minotaur" to school children, and encourage kids to stay off drugs. Wheeler loves the job, but Danny hates it, viewing it as a mindless, dead-end job. Danny's pessimism results in the collapse of his relationship with lawyer Beth Jones (Elizabeth Banks), after he impulsively proposes to her. After one presentation the duo find that their Minotaur truck is being towed, as they were parked in a no-parking zone. They try driving the truck away from the tow truck, damaging the tow truck, nearly running over a security guard (Louis C.K.) and crashing into a statue. They are arrested as a result.

Beth strikes a deal with the judge in which they have to log 150 hours of community service over the next 30 days, in lieu of 30 days in jail. The judge selects for their community service a big-brother style program called Sturdy Wings, led by Gayle Sweeny (Jane Lynch), a recovering addict. Gayle instantly dislikes the two and warns them that if they fail to carry out their tasks she will have them imprisoned. Wheeler is paired up with Ronnie Shields (Bobb'e J. Thompson), a foul-mouthed streetwise miscreant obsessed with breasts, who has driven away all the other "Bigs" he has been paired with, while Danny is assigned Augie Farcques (Christopher Mintz-Plasse), a nerdy teenager obsessed with medieval live action role-playing games.

Danny is unable to find common ground with Augie. Ronnie takes virtually no interest in Wheeler. Danny considers choosing the jail sentence, but Wheeler insists that if they go to jail, they will get raped, which Wheeler is strongly against. They gradually bond with their "littles". Ronnie takes an interest in Wheeler's favorite band, Kiss, and discovers that Wheeler shares his obsession with breasts, and Wheeler teaches Ronnie to control his obsession with breasts. Danny and Augie bond when they realize that they are both involved in the Sturdy Wings program against their will, and as a result Danny joins Augie's live action role playing game, "LAIRE" (Live Action Interactive Role-playing Explorers). Despite their successes, Danny attempts to reconcile with Beth, but to no avail (Beth must commit to the break-up, stating that it is for the best).

However, their success is cut short. When Augie manages to sneak up on the King of LAIRE, Argotron (Ken Jeong), the King lies and tells everyone that he killed Augie. Danny, backing up Augie, shoves the King, and gets himself and Augie banned from LAIRE forever. Later, Danny insults Augie's mother and stepfather for refusing to support Augie's hobby, earning their animosity. As soon as Augie's parents kick Danny out of their house, Danny quips back, "I'd be psyched if he were my kid." Meanwhile, Wheeler takes Ronnie to a party and leaves him unsupervised, resulting in Ronnie walking home alone and a series of angry messages from his mom on Wheeler's cell-phone. Ronnie and Augie's parents ask Sturdy Wings for new mentors, and Danny and Wheeler are removed from the Sturdy Wings program, thus failing to complete their community service. Beth says that she will defend Danny and Wheeler in court, but cannot make any promises, as they will eventually be sent to jail. Danny and Wheeler argue and go their separate ways.

Danny convinces King Argotron to allow himself and Augie to fight that afternoon in the much-awaited Battle Royale. Wheeler gets permission from Ronnie's mother to hang out with Ronnie after he gets out of jail, and earns Ronnie's forgiveness. However, the King secretly warns the other members of Augie's LAIRE "country" of Xanthia that allowing Augie to fight with them will lead to severe retribution in the game. They call Augie to tell him he's too much of a liability and he has nowhere to turn. To form a new LAIRE country, Danny and Augie need four members and matching costumes. Danny asks Wheeler and Ronnie to join them. They arrive with Wheeler's KISS costumes and a Kiss-themed Minotaur truck, naming their new country "Kiss-My-Anthia". After a betrayal by his former Xanthian allies, Augie finally duels with the king, defeating him. A hidden player, Sarah (Allie Stamler), who goes by Esplen in LAIRE, then attacks and defeats Augie; she is crowned the new queen and chooses Augie as her king-consort. Augie's parents forgive Danny.

Impressed with having seen that Wheeler and Danny do care for the children and not simply themselves, Sweeny clears their names with the judge. Danny serenades Beth with a rendition of the KISS song "Beth" and they finally reconcile.

Anger Management

Anger Management on vuonna 2003 tehty komediaelokuva. Elokuvan on ohjannut Peter Segal.

Elokuva kertoo Dave Buznikista, joka on hyvin rauhallinen ja aina ystävällinen kaikille. Eikä hän kyllä kovinkaan usein joudukaan riitatilanteisiin. Mutta pieni väärinkäsitys lentokoneessa johtaa suureen välikohtaukseen, jonka seurauksena Dave määrätään kiukunhallintaterapiaan oikeuden päätöksellä. Lääkärikseen hän saa Buddy Rydellin, joka vaikuttaisi tarvitsevan itse hoitoa. Elokuvan sivuosassa nähdään Heather Graham.

Jump Street 22

22 Jump Street on vuonna 2014 ensi-iltansa saanut Phil Lord ja Christopher Millerin ohjaama yhdysvaltalainen komediaelokuva. Elokuvan pääosissa näyttelevät Jonah Hill ja Channing Tatum. Elokuvan käsikirjoittivat Jonah Hill ja Michael Bacall.

22 Jump Street on vuonna 2012 ensi-iltansa saaneen 21 Jump Street -elokuvan jatko-osa ja perustuu ensimmäisen elokuvan tavoin vuosina 1987–1991 ensiesitettyyn 21 Jump Street -televisiosarjaan.

Konstaapelien Schmidtin ja Jenkon elämään on luvassa isoja muutoksia, kun he joutuvat peitetehtäviin paikalliseen yliopistoon.

Jump Street 21

21Jump Street on vuonna 2012 ensi-iltansa saanut yhdysvaltalainen toimintakomedia, jonka pääosissa näyttelevät Jonah Hill ja Channing Tatum. Elokuvan käsikirjoittivat Jonah Hill ja Michael Bacall. Ohjauksesta vastasivat Phil Lord ja Christopher Miller. Elokuva perustuu vuosina 1987–1991 ensiesitettyyn samannimiseen televisiosarjaan.

Kaksi valepukuista poliisia (Hill ja Tatum) soluttautuvat high schooliin hajoittaakseen huumerenkaan.

Get Him to the Greek

Get Him to the Greek is a 2010 American rock comedy film written, produced, and directed by Nicholas Stoller and starring Jonah Hill and Russell Brand. The film was released on June 4, 2010. Get Him to the Greek is a spin-off sequel of Stoller's 2008 film Forgetting Sarah Marshall, reuniting director Stoller with stars Hill and Brand. Brand reprises his role as character Aldous Snow from Forgetting Sarah Marshall, while Hill plays an entirely new character. The film also stars Elisabeth Moss, Rose Byrne, Colm Meaney and Sean Combs.

In 2009, British rock star Aldous Snow (Russell Brand) releases an album and a titular single—"African Child", which is a commercial and critical failure. Despite having been free of alcohol and other drugs for seven years, along with his pop-star girlfriend Jackie Q (Rose Byrne), when, in an interview, she drunkenly declares they have a boring life, he relapses—which effectively ends his relationship with her, makes him lose custody of their son, Naples, and sabotages his career. Meanwhile, in Los Angeles, Aaron Green (Jonah Hill) works as a talent scout at Pinnacle Records, a successful record company. He lives with his girlfriend, Daphne (Elisabeth Moss), a doctor. Pinnacle Records is performing badly as a result of poor record sales, and the head of the company, Sergio Roma (Sean Combs), asks for ideas. Green proposes that Aldous Snow play at the Greek Theatre in Los Angeles on the tenth anniversary of his legendary performance there in 1999.

Sergio sends Aaron to London to escort Aldous to the performance. Before he leaves, Daphne informs Aaron that she has received a job offer in Seattle and that they are moving there, which leads to an argument resulting in an apparent break-up. After retrieving Aldous from his apartment, Aaron learns that Aldous had not been expecting him and that he had thought the concert was not for another two months. They then bar-hop across the city and Aaron futilely tries to get Aldous to catch one of many missed flights. Daphne calls Aaron to apologize for the fight, only to learn that Aaron believes that they are broken up. Throughout his partying, Aaron's cellphone accidentally calls Daphne periodically, informing her of Aaron's activities. Aaron and Aldous travel to New York for Aldous's appearance on Today. To keep Aldous sober for his performance, Aaron imbibes all of Aldous's whiskey and marijuana. Minutes before the performance, Aldous realizes he is unable to remember the lyrics to his most recent and unpopular song, "African Child", and replaces it with an older hit, "The Clap", to cheers and excitement from the audience.

About to embark on a flight to Los Angeles, Aldous forces Aaron to smuggle heroin in his rectum. During their travels, Aaron learns that Aldous has become miserable and lonely, as he misses his son and has been alienated from his own father Jonathan (Colm Meaney) for years. Aaron suggests he visit him after the show; instead Aldous insists they go to Las Vegas to see Jonathan. Sergio soon arrives, with plans to "mindfuck" Aldous to Los Angeles. Sergio hooks up Aaron with a sexually violent girl named Destiny (Carla Gallo), who takes him to a hotel room and rapes him. After Aaron tells Aldous that he has been raped, Aldous gives him a "Jeffrey", a joint described as "a Neapolitan of drugs". Aaron panics and starts to have a bad trip, believing he is having a heart attack. Jonathan makes the trip worse by agreeing that Aaron is having a heart attack while Aldous attempts to calm Aaron down, primarily by the comforting sensation of stroking the furry walls of the hotel suite. Aldous fights with his father; Sergio (who is also high) jumps in the fight, and inadvertently sets the lounge on fire.

Aldous attempts to help Aaron by giving him an adrenaline shot and they run out of the hotel, chased by Sergio, who is hit by a car but comes out unharmed. Aldous and Aaron flee to Los Angeles, where Aldous visits Jackie Q. She has been sleeping with Metallica's drummer, Lars Ulrich (playing himself) and confesses that Naples is not actually his biological son, but instead is a photographer's son. This depresses him even further. Meanwhile, Aaron goes to his home to apologize to Daphne. They are interrupted when Aldous arrives at their house and proposes that he, Aaron, and Daphne engage in a threesome; Daphne (who is mad at Aaron) agrees and Aaron hesitantly goes along. During the threesome, Aaron angrily decides to kiss Aldous, breaking it up. Daphne and Aaron both immediately regret the threesome, and Aaron angrily tells Aldous to go, criticizing Aldous's overall mental state. Instead of preparing for his show, Aldous goes to the rooftop of the Standard Hotel in downtown Los Angeles, and calls Aaron, threatening to jump. Aaron rushes to the hotel, and attempts to coax Aldous down from the roof.

Instead, Aldous jumps into a rooftop pool several floors down, accidentally breaking an arm. Aldous tells Aaron that he is lonely, sad and embarrassed, but Aaron reminds Aldous that thousands of fans love him and are waiting just to see him. Aldous decides to perform at the Greek Theatre despite his injury, even though Aaron pleads for him to go to the hospital. Upon their arrival, Sergio offers Aaron drugs to give to Aldous so he will not cancel the concert. Aaron, tired of the abuse Sergio has given him, refuses and quits his job on the spot, much to Sergio's dismay. Aaron walks stage-side with Aldous, trying to convince him to go to the hospital instead. However, Aaron sees how happy Aldous is while performing and heads home to reconcile with Daphne. Months later in Seattle (where Aaron and Daphne have moved), Aldous, sober once again, has returned to fame with a single "Furry Walls" produced by Aaron (now his official producer) based on events from their night in Las Vegas, performing on the VH1 Storytellers program.

Escape from Planet Earth

Escape from Planet Earth is a 2013 Canadian-American 3D computer animated comedy film produced by Rainmaker Entertainment and distributed by The Weinstein Company, directed by Cal Brunker, and starring the voices of Rob Corddry, Brendan Fraser, Sarah Jessica Parker, William Shatner, Jessica Alba, Craig Robinson, George Lopez, Jane Lynch, and Sofía Vergara. The film was released on February 15, 2013. This was the first Rainmaker Entertainment film theatrically released.

The film opens with Scorch Supernova (Brendan Fraser) on a mission to rescue captured babies from the Gnarlachs. He rescues them just in time before the Gnarlachs wakes up. Scorch then returns to Planet Baab where he is known as a famous hero and a love interest for anchorwoman Gabby Babblebrook (Sofía Vergara) while at BASA his brother Gary (Rob Corddry) works. Gary's son Kip (Jonathan Morgan Heit) is a big fan of his uncle Scorch. Soon, Gary and Scorch receive a message from Lena Thackleman (Jessica Alba), the head of BASA, that Scorch will be sent to the "Dark Planet" (Earth) due to an SOS call. Scorch decides to go on the mission to the Dark Planet, but Gary strongly insists that he doesn't go because he is not serious. Also, no alien has ever returned from the dark planet. After further arguing, Gary finally says that he won't be helping Scorch and quits BASA before Scorch himself fires him. Gary then goes home to his wife Kira (Sarah Jessica Parker) and Kip only to find out that Scorch has already gone on the mission to the Dark Planet, while Kip is watching it on live TV in excitement.

Scorch arrives on Earth and lands in the desert and finds a 7-Eleven convenience store but mistakes an airdancer for a dying being. Scorch is then tranquilized and captured by General Shanker Saunderson (William Shatner), the malevolent general of the US Army, and is taken to "Area 51" where aliens from other planets are held. After finding that this has happened, Kip wants to go rescue Scorch but Gary discourages him and he himself doesn't want to go. Kip is angry and goes to his room. Gary goes to Kip's room to apologize and admit that he is sorry about Scorch. When Gary flips Kip's blanket open, instead of seeing Kip, he sees his dog and that Kip's window is open. Knowing that Kip is going to try and save Scorch, he rushes to BASA with Kira wearing his rocket boots. They arrive to find that Kip is about to take off in a ship.

Gary manages to cancel the launch sequence, but he re-activates the sequence so Gary himself can rescue Scorch. He soon arrives on the Dark Planet. As soon as he arrives his ship immediately activates a self-destruct sequence, but Gary manages to get out. He then arrives at the same store that Scorch arrived at earlier. Gary goes inside there, but is spotted by two men inside named Hawk (Steve Zahn) and Hammer (Chris Parnell). Both Gary and the two men get freaked out by each other and try to hide from each other. After the two men realize that Gary is not a hostile alien, they offer him a Slurpee. Gary takes it but drinks it too fast and gets brain freeze. Afterwards, Shanker's men break into the store and capture Gary, taking him to Area 51.

Gary is then taken to Shanker's office where he is quickly removed after Shanker receives an incoming call. It is then revealed that Lena is an ally of Shanker's as she has sent him a powerful source known as blubonium and is in love with him as he puts on an Elvis Presley-like wig when contacting her. Gary is placed in a cell hall with other alien geniuses named Doc (Craig Robinson), Io (Jane Lynch), and Thurman (George Lopez), who tell Gary that various human technology has been invented by them for Shanker to rip off and sell to the world so he will release them from Area 51. With these technologies made by the aliens, Shanker had made deals with companies like Apple Inc., Facebook, and Google to distribute the technologies to them. Gary reunites with his brother, but is again annoyed by his conceited behavior. After a food fight in the cafeteria, the aliens make their way to 'the peace shield'. Meanwhile, Lena captures Kira, who stayed at BASA to try to contact Gary in concern for his safety. Lena then reveals her plan to give a lifetime supply of blubonium to Shanker.

After Shanker reveals the blutonium, Gary unintentionally provokes Scorch into stealing it after stating its dangerous power and when being chased, Scorch destroys the blutonium, causing Shanker to freeze him. He orders Gary to fix the blutonium and reveals that he's going to destroy all of the alien planets with a laser ray using the blutonium. Shanker says that all aliens are hostile just because a grey alien spaceship killed his dad in 1947. Gary fixes the ray with help from his new friends, but Shanker goes back on his promise to release him and instead freezes him like his brother. The other aliens discover Shanker's true intentions when he tries to destroy Baab with the laser ray and mutiny, knocking out Shanker's henchmen. However, it is revealed that Gary did not put the machine together fully and it malfunctions, destroying itself before it can destroy Baab. With Gary and Scorch released from their icy prisons by the machine alongside the other frozen aliens, the brothers, Doc, Thurman, and Io escape Area 51 and eventually find Scorch's ship in a trailer park. With help from Hawk and Hammer (who live together in the park), Gary and his friends get into the spaceship and take off after helping to narrow its location down with a tornado scare.

Meanwhile, back on Baab, Kip frees his mother, who stops and subdues Lena after the latter took off with the blutonium shipment (and in the midst of the battle, learns Shanker was using her). US Air Force jets chases Gary's saucer, but Kip guides his father through and manages to destroy the jets by making the spaceship pull up suddenly over a waterfall while the jets ram into it. However, Shanker (wearing Scorch's robotic suit that he wears on his adventures) uses a tractor beam to stop the ship, and freeze it in midair. Gary and Scorch jumps on and manages to get the suit off from Shanker which causes him to fall to his death. Suddenly, Scorch and Gary begin to plummet to their dooms but they and Shanker are rescued by the captured grey aliens (the ones who accidentally killed Shanker's dad) who have their own plans to deal with Shanker.

Scorch, Gary, Doc, Thurman, and Io return to Planet Baab, where Gary is reunited with his family. Scorch is greeted as a hero, but gives the credit to his brother which the citizens of Baab celebrate. Scorch then embarks on his toughest mission yet: marrying Gabby Babblebrook. Hawk and Hammer are also present at the wedding as the inflatable wavy arm figure is also patched up.

The Jungle Bunch

At the South Pole, the walruses install a rule of terror for the penguins. Tommy and his sister travel to the Equator, where legend says a jungle 'penguin warrior' and his six companions live, who can come rescue them. Tiger-striped bird 'tiger' Maurice is flattered and accepts the task. After recruiting gorilla Miguel, warthog Fred, frogs Bob and Al plus tarsier Gilbert, they set out. On the way they meet and recruit bat Patricia. After a long journey, they arrive in Antarctica and take on the giant bullies.
- Written by KGF Vissers

Zack and Miri Make a Porno

Zack and Miri Make a Porno is a 2008 romantic sex comedy film written and directed by Kevin Smith, distributed by The Weinstein Company, and starring Seth Rogen and Elizabeth Banks. It is Smith's second film (after Jersey Girl) not to be set within the View Askewniverse and his first film not set in New Jersey. It was released on October 31, 2008.

Zack Brown and Miri Linky are roommates in Monroeville, Pennsylvania (a Pittsburgh suburb). They have been friends since the first grade. Despite Miri working at the local shopping mall and Zack working at a coffee shop, they have not paid their utility bills in months, with Zack devoting much of his free time to a fanatic following of the Pittsburgh Penguins and his status in the community amateur hockey team, the Monroeville Zombies. After work, their water gets turned off before they go to their high school reunion.

At the reunion, Miri attempts to seduce her attractive former classmate Bobby Long, while Zack strikes up a conversation with Brandon St. Randy, who reveals that he is a gay porn star, and Bobby's boyfriend. After returning home from the reunion, the apartment's electricity is turned off. Inspired by a successful viral video that was filmed by a pair of teenage boys as Miri changed in Zack's place of work for the reunion (revealing that she wore unattractive underwear, "granny panties"), and emboldened by the cultural mainstreaming of pornographic entertainment, Zack convinces a reluctant Miri that they should make a pornographic film to earn money.

Gathering a group of acquaintances and hired help as the cast and crew, they decide to film a pornographic Star Wars parody, entitled Star Whores. Delaney, the film's producer and Zack's co-worker, rents film equipment and a building to use as a studio. When they return to the studio after the first night of filming, the building is being demolished, with all the equipment and costumes inside. They are told that the man that rented it to them had run off with the money. Later at the coffee shop where Zack works, he realizes that his boss threatened to install a hidden camera, which Zack finds, and decides to use it to replace their lost film equipment. Zack retools his film to take place in the coffee shop, revamping the film to one with a coffee shop motif, Swallow My Cockuccino, and the group shoots the film after hours.

Despite their insistence that they would not let sex with each other affect their friendship, Zack and Miri soon develop romantic feelings for each other. When it comes time for Zack and Miri to have sex on camera, they find that instead of the clinical sex enacted by the actors in the other scenes, their interlude is romantic and heartfelt. Later that evening, Zack and Miri are at home when suddenly their apartment's electricity and water service return. The rest of the actors and crew show up and reveal that they pooled their resources to pay one month of their bills, and have come over to throw them a party.

At the party, one of the other actresses, Stacey, asks Miri if it is okay for her to ask Zack to have sex. Although Miri has realized that she has developed feelings for Zack, she tells her it is okay to ask him. When Stacey relates this to Zack, the two retreat to Zack's bedroom, much to Miri's dismay.

The next evening, Zack is preparing to film a scene between Stacey and another actor, Lester, that was supposed to have been with Lester and Miri. Zack is dismayed when Miri shows up and insists on shooting the scene as originally planned. In the back room, an incredulous Zack asks if she is doing this as a form of retaliation, pointing out that Stacey told him that Miri did not mind her sleeping with Zack. Miri corrects him, clarifying that she did not mind that Stacey merely made the offer to sleep with him. Perceiving this to have been some type of test, Zack admits that during the sex scene they filmed together, they were actually making love and that there was an emotional connection between them, and that he loves Miri. When Miri does not reciprocate, Zack storms out of the coffee shop, quitting the film and his job, and moves out of the apartment.

Three months later, Delaney goes to see Zack, who has moved on to an exterior concessions job at Mellon Arena during Pittsburgh Penguins games. Delaney convinces him to come to Delaney's home to see the unfinished film and help complete it. Zack agrees, and as Delaney and the cameraman Deacon explain, Zack learns that Miri never filmed her sex scene with Lester. Zack goes to Miri's apartment and reveals to her that he never slept with Stacey; instead, they talked about Miri all night. He pours his heart out to Miri, proclaiming his love for her, which she reciprocates.

In the epilogue, the audience learns that Zack and Miri are married, and with the help of Delaney and his worker's compensation settlement, they start their own video production company, Zack and Miri Make Your Porno, which makes amateur videos for couples.

Jurassic Park III

Jurassic Park III on Joe Johnstonin ohjaama elokuva, joka sai ensi-iltansa vuonna 2001. Se on kolmas Jurassic Parkista alkaneessa elokuvien sarjassa. Kolmannen elokuvan juoni ei enää pohjaudu Michael Crichtonin kirjaan, paitsi muutamien kohtausten osalta. Nämä olivat ensimmäisessä romaanissa, mutta jätettiin ensimmäisestä elokuvasta pois, esim. pteranodon-kohtaus kokonaisuudessaan.

Elokuva on puoli tuntia lyhyempi kuin kaksi edellistä, ja se sisältää vähemmän tarinaa mutta suorempaa toimintaa. Steven Spielberg ei enää toiminut ohjaajana, mutta oli mukana projektissa vastaavana tuottajana. Elokuvassa ei tyrannosaurus rexillä ole kahdesta edeltäjästään poiketen antagonistin osaa elokuvassa, vaan sen korvasi suurempi spinosaurus. T-Rex näkyy ainoastaan kohtauksessa, jossa se taistelee Spinosauruksen kanssa ja häviää tälle. Tätä ennen T-Rex näytettiin syömässä haaskaa.

Rahapulmien kanssa painiskeleva paleontologi Tri. Alan Grant saa houkuttelevan tarjouksen; varakas Kirbyn seikkailijapariskunta haluaa Grantin oppaaksi lennolleen Isla Sorna -dinosaurussaaren yli. Kuitenkin vastoin Grantin tahtoa retkikunta päättää laskeutua, jolloin selviää, että Kirbyt etsivätkin kadonnutta poikaansa saarelta. Pian dinosaurukset hyökkäävät ja ryhmä joutuu aloittamaan hengenvaarallisen matkan kohti rannikkoa. Saarella he kohtaavat vanhoja tuttuja dinosauruksia,kuten Velociraptoreita, mutta myös uusia dinosauruksia, kuten Spinosauruksen. Elokuvaan on ensimmäisen osan tapaan lisätty dinosaurusten keskenäinen taistelu, tällä kertaa kohtaavat Tyrannosaurus ja Spinosaurus.

Marsupilamin Seikkailu

Marsupilamin seikkailu on ensimmäinen pitkä elokuva belgialaisen André Franquinin rakastetusta sarjakuvahahmosta. Pomppaa mukaan Marsupilamin maailmaan!

Toimittaja Dan saapuu eksoottiseen Palombiaan etsimään uusia jutunaiheita. Mutta hänkään ei voi uskoa, kuinka ihmeellisen löydön onnistuu todella tekemään! Neuvokkaan paikallisopas Pabliton seurassa Dan pääsee uskomattomalle seikkailulle, minkä lop
putulos tulee riemastuttamaan koko maailman: myyttinen ja veikeä Marsupilami-otus on oikeasti olemassa!

28. lokakuuta 2014

A Million Ways To Die In West (Miljoona Tapaa Kuolla Lännessä)

Miljoona tapaa kuolla lännessä (engl. A Million Ways to Die in the West) on vuonna 2014 ensi-iltansa saanut yhdysvaltalainen western-komediaelokuva, jonka on ohjannut Seth MacFarlane. Elokuvan pääosissa ovat Seth MacFarlane, Charlize Theron, Amanda Seyfried, Neil Patrick Harris, Giovanni Ribisi, Sarah Silverman ja Liam Neeson.

Elokuva ensi-ilta oli 30. toukokuuta 2014.

Pelkuri Albert Stark (Seth MacFarlane) tulee jätetyksi, kun hän ei uskalla osallistua pyssytaisteluun, ja tyttöystävä (Amanda Seyfried) lähtee heti toisen miehen (Neil Patrick Harris) matkaan. Kylään saapuu salaperäinen, kaunis nainen (Charlize Theron), joka sattuman kautta ryhtyy auttamaan Albertia löytämään rohkeutensa, ja lopulta he rakastuvat. Paikalle saapuu kuuluisa rikollinen (Liam Neeson), naisen aviomies, ja Albertin täytyy laittaa saamansa rohkeus testiin.

Juoppohullun Päiväkirja

Juoppohullun päiväkirja on Juha Vuorisen samannimiseen kirjasarjaan perustuva elokuva vuodelta 2012. Elokuvan on tuottanut Vuorisen ja Helsinki-filmin omistama elokuvatuotantoyhtiö Dictator Films Oy. Vuorinen tuotti elokuvan Aleksi Bardyn kanssa. Elokuvan käsikirjoitti teatteriohjaaja Lauri Maijala, joka myös ohjasi elokuvan esikoiselokuvaohjauksenaan. Maijala on aiemmin dramatisoinut ja ohjannut Juoppohullun päiväkirjasta myös näyttämöversion.

Elokuva kuvattiin keväällä 2012 ja se tuli ensi-iltaan 28. joulukuuta 2012. Elokuva julkaistiin DVD:llä ja Blu-raynä 24. huhtikuuta 2013.

Juha Berg (Joonas Saartamo) on 31-vuotias rapajuoppo Helsingin Kalliosta. Juhalla ei ole pienintäkään aikomusta muuttaa elintapojaan – päinvastoin. Hän todella nauttii sekalaisista seksisuhteista, adrenaliinia nostattavasta väkivallasta ja tietenkin alkoholista, johon rahat revitään vaikka pulloja keräämällä. Viinanhuuruinen hauskuus saa kuitenkin kovan kilpailijan, kun kiihkeämielinen Juha rakastuu AA-kerhon ryhmänvetäjään. Suhde Tiinan (Krista Kosonen) kanssa etenee nopeasti seurusteluksi ja Juhan on pakko tehdä ratkaisevia valintoja. Tästä alkaa tasapainottelu toimivan parisuhteen ja vanhan elämäntyylin välillä. Juhan paras ystävä Kristian (Santtu Karvonen) kaataa urakalla kapuloita rakastavaisten rattaisiin, eikä Juhan horjuvaa raittiuspäätöstä helpota myöskään saksalaisen erotiikan asiantuntija Mikael (Johannes Holopainen). Mutta miten pitkälle voidaan mennä, ennen kuin ratkaisuja on vain yksi?

Free Birds

Free Birds is a 2013 American 3D computer-animated buddy comedy film produced by Reel FX Creative Studios, directed by Jimmy Hayward and it stars the voices of Owen Wilson, Woody Harrelson and Amy Poehler. Originally titled Turkeys. It was scheduled for 2014, but it was released on November 1, 2013 by Relativity Media.

Reggie the turkey has always been afraid of Thanksgiving because turkeys have always been on the menu, but his attempts to warn his farm-based flock constantly fall on deaf ears and has made him an outcast. When the other turkeys finally realize what is going on, they throw Reggie outside in an attempt to save themselves. In a surprise twist of fate, he winds up being named the "pardoned turkey" by the President of the United States and is subsequently taken to Camp David. Although initially hesitant, Reggie soon eases into a routine of doing nothing but enjoying pizza delivered to him by the "Pizza Dude" and watching Mexican telenovelas.

About three days before Thanksgiving, Reggie gets bag-kidnapped by Jake, a member of the Turkey Freedom Front who tells him that a "Great Turkey" told him to find Reggie and take him back to the first Thanksgiving with him to take turkeys off the menu once and for all. They then infiltrate the base where a time machine is located. Despite interference by federal officials and an attempt by Reggie to trick him back to the surface, Jake manages to commandeer an egg-shaped time machine with an A.I. software named S.T.E.V.E. and they time-travel back to the same day in 1621, three days before the first Thanksgiving. Once there, they are immediately attacked and separated by colonial hunters led by Myles Standish. Reggie and Jake are quickly rescued by native turkeys led by Chief Broadbeak and his two children, Ranger and Jenny, the latter of whom Reggie immediately falls for.

Broadbeak explains that the turkeys in the area have been forced underground since the settlers came and that they cannot risk fighting back without the settlers taking them. The next day, Broadbeak orders Jake with Ranger to spy on the settlers and Reggie with Jenny to spring all the hunting traps the humans set up. Despite initial hostility, Ranger and Jake find out that the settlers have already begun preparations for Thanksgiving and where they keep their weapons. Meanwhile, Jenny believes in Reggie for lying about being from the future and is impressed with his accidental unorthodox way of springing the traps. However, they are soon intercepted by Standish and Reggie is forced to get her in orbit over the planet aboard S.T.E.V.E., validating everything he said in the process. Reggie asks Jenny to go back to the future with him once everything blows over, but she refuses to leave the flock no matter how much she likes him. Jake then drags Reggie away and tells him he has a plan to attack the settlers. However, Reggie has gotten sick of all his unapproved stories and threatens to leave.

Desperate, Jake tells him that this trip was more about him making up for his failure to save turkey eggs while escaping a turkey-fattening facility when he was young, maintaining that the Great Turkey convinced him to go through with this. While still reluctant to believe what he said, Reggie still goes along with the plan. They manage to use gunpowder to destroy the weapons shack, but Jake inadvertently leaves a gunpowder trail back to the tree the turkeys are hiding under. Standish and his men flush the turkeys out from underground, capturing enough for the feast and killing Broadbeak in the ensuing panic. Jenny is sworn in as the new chief and orders the remaining turkeys to prepare an attack on the settlers.

Despite Jake's attempts to get him to stay, a heartbroken Reggie heads back to the present day at Camp David, where he is confronted by three future versions of himself. Through the awkward conversation, Reggie discovers from one of them that he is the Great Turkey, having used S.T.E.V.E. to throw his voice and appearance. Inspired, Reggie goes back in time to stop the attack, inadvertently trapping Standish in the time stream and erasing him from history in the process. Through S.T.E.V.E. and the Pizza Dude, Reggie convinces the settlers and the arriving Indians that pizza is a more acceptable food than turkeys, taking them off the Thanksgiving menu entirely. In the end, Reggie decides to stay with Jenny while Jake takes S.T.E.V.E. in order to look for new adventures. However, Jake returns moments after leaving and implies to Reggie and Jenny that he needs help putting an end to the turducken.