3. kesäkuuta 2018


An uproar is caused when some mutilated cadavers are discovered, giving way to the legend of the "Werewolf of Allariz". A traveling vendor rolls through the forest in his old wagon. A woman from every village on his route faithfully awaits him. He's attractive, intelligent, charming.... But he's also the monster feared by all. His most recent prey, Barbara will soon become the one who hunts him down. The film is based on the true-life story of Manuel Blanco Romasanta, the traveling vendor, who confessed to the murders of thirteen people, using their body fat to make soap. Romasanta was tried in Allaríz in 1852 and avoided capital punishment by proclaiming he was a werewolf. Barbara was the lone survivor of four sisters.


In the near future, a weary Logan cares for an ailing Professor X, somewhere on the Mexican border. However, Logan's attempts to hide from the world, and his legacy, are upended when a young mutant arrives, pursued by dark forces

Captain Underpants

2 overly imaginative pranksters named George and Harold hypnotize their principal into thinking he's a ridiculously enthusiastic, incredibly dimwitted superhero named Captain Underpants.

Thor 3: Ragnarok

Thor is imprisoned on the planet Sakaar, and must race against time to return to Asgard and stop Ragnarök, the destruction of his world, at the hands of the powerful and ruthless villain Hela.

Land of the Lost

On his latest expedition, Dr. Rick Marshall is sucked into a space-time vortex alongside his research assistant and a redneck survivalist. In this alternate universe, the trio make friends with a primate named Chaka, their only ally in a world full of dinosaurs and other fantastic creatures.


Bodies are turning up around the city, each having met a uniquely gruesome demise. As the investigation proceeds, evidence points to one suspect: John Kramer, the man known as Jigsaw, who has been dead for over 10 years.

The Mummy

An ancient Egyptian princess is awakened from her crypt beneath the desert, bringing with her malevolence grown over millennia, and terrors that defy human comprehension.

The Last Dragonslayer Full Movie

In a fantasy world where magic is being superseded by technology, an orphaned teen discovers her destiny to become a dragonslayer.

Ava's Possessions

A young woman recovers from a demonic possession.

Kingsman: The Golden Circle

When their headquarters are destroyed and the world is held hostage, the Kingsman's journey leads them to the discovery of an allied spy organization in the US. These two elite secret organizations must band together to defeat a common enemy.

King Arthur: Legend of the Sword

Robbed of his birthright, Arthur comes up the hard way in the back alleys of the city. But once he pulls the sword from the stone, he is forced to acknowledge his true legacy - whether he likes it or not.


Four teenagers are sucked into a magical video game, and the only way they can escape is to work together to finish the game.

26. lokakuuta 2017

On ollut hiljaista viimeaikoina...

Viimeaikoina tämä blogi on ollut melko hiljainen. Julkaisuja ei ole tullut niin paljoa kuin ennen. Siihen on syynsä, en ole katsonut viimeaikoina kauheasti elokuvia kiireiden vuoksi, mutta päivittelen tänne sitä mukaan kun katson niitä jälleen.

1. lokakuuta 2017

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 on vuonna 2017 ensi-iltansa saanut supersankarielokuva, joka perustuu Marvel Comicsin luomaan supersankariryhmään Galaksin Vartijat. Se on jatkoa vuoden 2014 elokuvalle Guardians of the Galaxy sekä Marvel Cinematic Universen viidestoista elokuva. Elokuvan on ohjannut ja käsikirjoittanut James Gunn, ja sen pääosissa ovat Chris Pratt, Zoë Saldaña, Dave Bautista, Vin Diesel, Bradley Cooper, Michael Rooker, Karen Gillan, Pom Klementieff, Elizabeth Debicki, Chris Sullivan, Sean Gunn, Sylvester Stallone ja Kurt Russell. Elokuvassa Galaksin Vartijat selvittävät totuutta Tähtilordin isästä.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 julkistettiin San Diego Comic-Con International -tapahtumassa vuonna 2014 ennen ensimmäisen elokuvan ensi-iltaa, Gunnin vahvistaessa samalla paluunsa ohjaajaksi. Elokuvan virallinen nimi paljastettiin vasta kesäkuussa 2015. Kuvaukset alkoivat helmikuussa 2016 Pinewood Atlanta Studiosilla ja päättyivät kesäkuussa 2016. Gunn, että jatko-osa sijoittuisi pian ensimmäisen elokuvan jälkeen tutkiakseen Vartijoiden uutta roolia ja jatkaakseen tarinaa Quillin isästä, rooliin, johon Russell valittiin heinäkuussa 2016, näyttellen Egoa, joka ei sarjakuvissa ollut Quillin isä.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 sai maailmanensi-iltansa Tokiossa 10. huhtikuuta 2017. Elokuvateattereihin se ilmestyi Suomessa 26. huhtikuuta 2017 ja Yhdysvalloissa 5. toukokuuta 2017. Elokuva sai pääosin positiivisen vastaanoton, kriitikoiden ylistäessä visuaalisia efektejä, soundtrackia ja näyttelijöitä, vaikka se ei ollut heidän mielestä hyvä kuin ensimmäinen elokuva. Elokuvan jatko-osa Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 tulee saamaan ensi-iltansa vuonna 2020.
Xandarin taistelun sankareiksi julistetut Galaksin Vartijat – Peter Quill, Gamora, Drax, Rocket ja pikku-Groot – ovat saaneet Sovereign-kansan ylipapittarelta Ayeshalta tehtävän puolustaa arvokkaita anulax-akkuja abiliskina tunnetulta hirviöltä. Vastineeksi nämä luovuttavat Vartijoille Nebulan, joka oli vangittu yrityksestään varastaa akkuja. Kun paljastuu, että Rocket on itse varastanut muutaman akun, Sovereign lähettää kauko-ohjattuja hävittäjiä tappamaan Vartijat. Salaperäinen olento tuhoaa helposti kaikki hävittäjät, mutta Vartijoiden alus Milano tekevät pakkolaskun läheiselle planeetalle. Olento paljastaa olevansa Quillin isä Ego ja kutsuu poikansa sekä Gamoran ja Draxin kotiplaneetalleen. Rocket ja Groot jäävät korjaamaan Milanoa ja vahtimaan Nebulaa.
Ayesha palkkaa Yondu Udontan ja tämän avaruusrosvot etsimään Vartijat. Yondu jäljittää Milanon sijainnin, mutta kun hän päättää Quillin nappaamisen sijaan vain myydä Sovereignilta varastetut akut, avaruusrosvot nousevat Taserfacen johdolla ja Nebulan avustuksella kapinaan. Taserface vangitsee Yondun ja Rocketin alukselleen Electorille, kun taas Nebula lähtee etsimään Gamoraa kostaakseen tälle heidän adoptioisänsä Thanoksen aiheuttamat kidutukset. Yondu kertoo Rocketille olevansa karkotettu suuremmasta avaruusrosvoyhteisöstä lasten kaappaamisen takia ja ettei luota Egoon. Groot ja Yondun uskollinen perämies Kraglin vapauttavat heidät, minkä jälkeen he tuhoavat aluksen ja tappavat sen miehistön ennen kuin pakenevat. Taserface ehtii kuitenkin ennen kuolemaansa ilmoittaa Sovereign-kansalle Vartijoiden olinpaikan.
Esitellessään planeettaansa Ego kertoo olevansa celestiaali, joka oli muodostanut planeetan aivojensa ympärille todelliseksi kehokseen, mutta luonut itselleen ihmiskehon matkustaakseen ympäri galaksia ja kommunikoidakseen muiden elollisten olentojen kanssa. Lopulta hän oli tavannut Quillin äidin Meredithin ja rakastunut tähän. Meredithin kuoltua hän oli palkannut Yondun noutamaan Quillin. Mutta Yondu ei tuonutkaan häntä, joten Ego päätti etsiä poikansa itse. Hän opetti Quillin käyttämään perimiään celestiaalin voimia planeetan ympäristön manipulointiin. Nebula saapuu Egon planeetalle ja yrittää tappaa Gamoran. He päätyvät kuitenkin tekemään aselevon ja löytävät planeetan alla sijaitsevista luolista satoja luurankoja. Sillä välin Ego paljastaa Quillille istuttaneensa vierailemilleen planeetoille kasveja, joiden tarkoitus oli muuntaa planeetat hänen laajennuksikseen. Mutta muutosprosessin käynnistämiseen tarvittiin toinen celestiaali, joten hän teki itselleen useita jälkeläisiä satojen naisten kanssa ja palkkasi Yondun tuomaan lapset hänelle. Ego oli kuitenkin tappanut lapset, koska nämä eivät olleet perineet celestiaalin voimia kuten Quill. Hypnotisoitu Quill oli aikeissa suostua auttamaan isäänsä, kunnes sai selville Egon istuttaneen tarkoituksella Meredithiin aivokasvaimen, johon tämä kuoli.
Egon kasvatti Mantis varoittaa Draxia, Gamoraa ja Nebulaa Egon suunitelmasta juuri kun Rocket, Yondu, Groot ja Kraglin saapuvat. Vartijat joutuvat taisteluun sekä Egoa että paikalle saapuneita Sovereignin hävittäjiä vastaan päästäkseen planeetan ytimeen. Rocket rakentaa anulax-akuista pommin, jonka Groot asettaa Egon aivoihin. Quill käyttää voimiaan pitääkseen Egon kiireisenä kunnes muut Vartijat pääsevät pakenemaan. Pommin räjähdys tappaa Egon ja aiheuttaa planeetan romahtamisen, mutta Yondu uhraa itsensä pelastaakseen Quillin. Quill tajuaa, ettei Yondu koskaan vienyt häntä Egon luokse, koska halusi estää häntä kokemasta samaa kohtaloa kuin Egon muut lapset, ja alkaa pitää tätä todellisena isänään. Nebula tekee sovinnon Gamoran kanssa, mutta lähtee pois etsiäkseen keinon surmata Thanos. Vartijat ja Kraglin järjestävät Yondulle hautajaiset, joihin osallistuvat muutkin avaruusrosvot.
Lopputekstien aikana näytetään useita kohtauksia: Kraglin opettelee käyttämään Yondun telekineettistä nuolta, avaruusrosvojen pääjohtaja Stakar Ogord on Yondun muiston kunnioittamiseksi koonnut alkuperäisen ryhmänsä takaisin yhteen, Groot varttuu lapsesta nuoreksi aikuiseksi, Ayesha aikoo tuhota Vartijat luomalla uuden keinotekoisen olennon nimeltä Adam, ja eräs astronautti yrittää kertoa Maan tapahtumista Seuraajille.

Underworld: Blood Wars

Underworld: Blood Wars is a 2016 American action horror film directed by Anna Foerster (in her feature film directorial debut). It is the fifth installment in the Underworld franchise and the sequel to Underworld: Awakening (2012), with Kate Beckinsale reprising her role as Selene. The main cast also includes Theo James, Lara Pulver, Tobias Menzies, Bradley James, Peter Andersson, James Faulkner, Clementine Nicholson, Daisy Head, Oliver Stark and Charles Dance.
Principal photography began on October 19, 2015, in Prague, Czech Republic. The film was released on November 24, 2016, in various countries and was subsequently released in the United States on January 6, 2017, by Screen Gems. It received generally negative reviews and has grossed over $81 million worldwide, against its production budget of $35 million.
The remaining vampire covens are on the verge of being wiped out by the Lycans. Both species are searching for Selene: the vampires seeking justice for the deaths of Viktor and Marcus, and the Lycans, led by Marius, intending to use her to locate Eve, whose blood holds the key to building an army of vampire-werewolf hybrids.
Semira, a council member of the Eastern Coven, says she wants Selene to be granted clemency so that she can train the Eastern Coven's neophyte Death Dealers. To that end, Semira enlists Thomas to plead Selene's case before the full council. Thomas succeeds and Selene arrives at the Eastern Coven with David. Semira has her ally and lover Varga poison Selene, then slaughter the Death Dealers and blame Selene for it. Once Selene is under arrest, Semira begins draining her blood, which she intends to drink to gain Selene's power. Thomas and David try to rescue Selene, but they're attacked by Semira and Varga. They kill Thomas, but not before he's able to hold them off long enough for David and Selene to escape.
The pair seeks refuge with the Nordic Coven. They are pursued by Alexia, an Eastern Coven vampire dispatched by Semira. Selene and David arrive at Var Dohr, the stronghold of the Nordic Coven. Their Elder Vidar reveals that David was the son of the High Elder Amelia, making him the legitimate heir to the Eastern Coven.
Alexia, who is secretly Marius's lover, tells Marius that Selene is going to the Nordic Coven. Marius and the Lycans attack the Nordic Coven. The Nordic vampires, led by Vidar's daughter Lena, fight with Selene and David. Selene engages in single combat with Marius, who demands to know Eve’s location. Selene insists she does not know the location, which Alexia confirms after tasting some of Selene's blood. Marius sounds the retreat for his troops and Selene, wishing to pass on to the sacred world, slides herself under the now-broken ice of the lake.
Upon Alexia's return to the Eastern Coven's castle, she informs Semira of the events at the Nordic Coven. Semira kills her, revealing she knew of Alexia's treachery, and wanted Alexia to lead the Lycans to the Nordic Coven for her own ends. David returns to the Eastern Coven and presents himself as its rightful heir. Semira is arrested by none other than Varga, whose ultimate loyalty is to the rightful leadership of the coven. She is subsequently imprisoned in the dungeons.
The coven comes under attack by Marius and his forces. The Lycans blow holes in the castle's walls, letting in sunlight, killing most of the vampires. David continues fighting, only to find himself face to face with Marius. Selene suddenly reappears, in a Nordic appearance and coat over her normal Death Dealer uniform. It is revealed that the Nordic Coven revived her through their passing to sacred world ritual and in doing so new abilities are enabled. She swiftly begins dispatching the Lycans, as the rest of the Nordic Coven, led by Lena, join the fight.
While Selene is making her way through the castle, the guards in the dungeons are killed by Semira, who then escapes from her cell. Selene and David find Marius, but David is waylaid by Semira. As Marius and Selene's fight continues, a drop of Marius's blood lands on Selene's lips. She is suddenly flooded by a series of blood memories in which Marius finds Michael. She sees Marius capturing Michael and slitting his throat in order to collect his blood and consume it. Believing that Michael is dead, she bites her own wrist, using her own blood memories of the time she has spent with Michael, Eve, and David to fuel her rage. Although Marius has transformed, Selene rips out his spine, killing him instantly. David manages to kill Semira. He shows Marius's severed head to the Lycans, and forcefully tells them to retreat.
In the aftermath, Selene, David, and Lena are chosen as the new Elders. It is revealed that after being resurrected at the Nordic Coven, Selene was reunited with Eve, who has been following her mother through their telepathic link.


Logan is a 2017 American epic neo-western superhero drama film produced by Marvel Entertainment, TSG Entertainment, and The Donners' Company, and distributed by 20th Century Fox.[3][4] It is the tenth installment in the X-Men film series, as well as the third Wolverine solo film following X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) and The Wolverine (2013). The film, which takes inspiration from the Old Man Logan comic-book series by Mark Millar and Steve McNiven, follows an aged Wolverine defending his daughter Laura Kinney from the villainous Reavers led by Zander Rice and Donald Pierce.
The film is directed by James Mangold, who co-wrote the screenplay with Scott Frank and Michael Green, from a story by Mangold. Hugh Jackman stars as Logan in his final portrayal of the character after having played the role for 17 years, with Patrick Stewart co-starring as Charles Xavier. Richard E. Grant, Boyd Holbrook, Stephen Merchant, Dafne Keen (in her first film role), Eriq La Salle, Elise Neal and Elizabeth Rodriguez are all featured in supporting roles. Principal photography began in Louisiana on May 2, 2016 and ended on August 19, 2016 in New Mexico. The locations used for Logan were mainly Louisiana, New Mexico and Mississippi.
Logan premiered at the 67th Berlin International Film Festival on February 17, 2017, and was theatrically released in the United States on March 3, 2017, in standard and IMAX formats. The film received critical acclaim from critics and audiences. It is one of the best-reviewed films in the X-Men series, and was considered by some as one of the best superhero films of all-time. It grossed over $616 million worldwide against its $97 million budget, making it the eighth highest grossing film of 2017.

30. heinäkuuta 2017

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8. heinäkuuta 2017

Halloween 5

Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers is a 1989 American slasher film and the fifth installment in the Halloween film series. It was directed and co-written by Dominique Othenin-Girard and starred Donald Pleasence, who again portrayed Dr. Sam Loomis, and Danielle Harris, who reprised her role as Jamie Lloyd. The film takes place exactly one year after the events depicted in Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers. Michael Myers has returned to the sleepy town of Haddonfield, Illinois to murder his niece, Jamie, who is now mute. Dr. Loomis tries to save the day with the help of Sheriff Meeker.

The film's on-screen titles do not display the "The Revenge of Michael Myers" subtitle which was used in all of the promotional material, TV spots, trailers, and merchandise. The main titles simply say "Halloween 5".
On October 31, 1988, Michael Myers (Don Shanks) is shot and falls down a mine shaft. The state troopers toss dynamite down the mine, but Michael manages to escape in time. He wades into a nearby river and is soon discovered by a hermit. Michael falls into a coma, placing him in the hermit's care. On October 30, 1989, Michael awakens, kills the hermit, and returns to Haddonfield, where his niece Jamie Lloyd (Danielle Harris) continues to live after nearly being killed by Michael the year before.

Jamie has been committed to a children's hospital, having been rendered mute due to psychological trauma suffering from nightmares and seizures, and being treated for stabbing her stepmother under Michael’s influence, but exhibits signs of a telepathic link with her uncle. She senses Michael’s presence and goes into convulsions. Dr. Sam Loomis (Donald Pleasence) becomes aware of Jamie's psychic link with Michael, and tries to convince Sheriff Ben Meeker (Beau Starr) that Michael is still alive. Meanwhile, Michael kills Jamie's sister Rachel (Ellie Cornell) and begins stalking their friend Tina (Wendy Kaplan), also killing Tina's boyfriend Mike.

Later that night, Tina and her friends Sam and Spitz go to a Halloween party at a farm. Sensing that Tina is in danger, Jamie, having regained her ability to speak, goes to warn her; her friend Billy goes with her. While Sam and Spitz are having sex in the barn, Michael murders them, then leaves the barn and kills two deputies that Loomis had asked to keep an eye on Tina for her protection. After the party, Tina goes to the barn and discovers the bodies. Michael chases Tina, Jamie, and Billy with a car. Tina sacrifices herself to save Jamie, and Michael fatally stabs her in the chest. Loomis, Sheriff Meeker, and the police arrive on the scene and rescue Jamie and Billy. Jamie agrees to put herself in danger to help Loomis stop Michael for good.

With Jamie's help, Loomis lures Michael back to his abandoned home. In the old Myers house, Loomis and the police create a set-up. Jamie senses that Michael has arrived at the clinic and Billy is in danger, which causes Meeker, along with most of his backup, to leave the Myers house. Eventually, Michael arrives and kills the two remaining officers. Loomis tries to reason with him, but Michael subdues him and then goes after Jamie.

Jamie hides in an old laundry chute, but she is forced to abandon it after Michael finds her and repeatedly stabs the chute. She races upstairs to the attic where she finds a coffin that was stolen from the cemetery earlier, and the bodies of Rachel, Mike, and Rachel's dog Max. Michael finds Jamie, but before he can kill her, she tries to appeal her uncle's humanity. At Jamie's request, Michael takes off his mask. However, Jamie touches Michael's face, sending him into a fit of rage. Loomis appears, using Jamie as bait, and lures Michael into a trap to weaken him with a tranquilizer gun. After beating Michael unconscious with a wooden plank, Loomis suffers a stroke and collapses. Michael is locked up in the sheriff's station, to eventually be escorted to a maximum-security prison. However, a mysterious stranger in black arrives and attacks the police station, killing the officers, including Sheriff Meeker. Jamie walks through the station, and discovers her uncle's cell empty, prompting her to begin sobbing in terror.

Halloween 4

Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers is a 1988 American slasher film and the fourth installment in the Halloween film series. Directed by Dwight H. Little and written by Alan B. McElroy, it focuses on Michael Myers returning home to kill his niece Jamie Lloyd (Danielle Harris), the daughter of Laurie Strode, with Dr. Sam Loomis (Donald Pleasence) once more pursuing him.
As the title suggests, this film marks the return of Michael Myers after being absent in the previous installment, Season of the Witch. Initially, John Carpenter and co-producer Debra Hill retired the Michael Myers storyline after the second installment of the series, intending to feature a new Halloween-season-related plot every sequel, of which Halloween III would be the first. Halloween 4 was originally intended to be a ghost story;[citation needed] however, due to the disappointing financial performance of the third film, Halloween 4 reintroduced Michael Myers.

Four more sequels followed, released in 1989, 1995, 1998 and 2002 before the series was rebooted in 2007.

On October 30, 1988, Michael Myers (George P. Wilbur), who has been in a comatose state for ten years, is transferred to Smith's Grove Sanitarium by ambulance. En route, Michael awakens, kills the ambulance personnel, and makes his way to Haddonfield. Michael's former psychiatrist, Dr. Sam Loomis (Donald Pleasence), learns of Michael's escape and gives chase. He follows Michael to a gas station, where he has killed a mechanic for his clothes, along with a clerk and disabled the phones. Michael then escapes in a tow truck and causes an explosion, destroying Loomis's car in the process. Loomis is then forced to catch a ride to Haddonfield.

Meanwhile, Jamie Lloyd (Danielle Harris), the daughter of Laurie Strode and Michael's niece, is living in Haddonfield with her foster family, Richard and Darlene Carruthers, and their teenage daughter, Rachel (Ellie Cornell). Jamie knows about Michael, but she is unaware he is the strange man she has been having nightmares about. Richard and Darlene head out for the night and leave Rachel to look after Jamie, causing her to miss her date with her boyfriend Brady (Sasha Jenson). After school, Rachel takes Jamie to buy ice cream and a Halloween costume. At that point, Michael has already arrived in Haddonfield, and nearly attacks Jamie in the store.

That night, as Rachel takes Jamie trick-or-treating, Michael goes to the electrical substation and kills a worker by throwing him into high voltage equipment, plunging the town into darkness. Meanwhile, Loomis arrives in Haddonfield and warns Sheriff Ben Meeker (Beau Starr) that Michael has returned. Michael attacks the police station and kills all of the officers. A lynch mob is formed by the town's men to kill Michael. Rachel discovers Brady cheating on her with Sheriff Meeker's daughter Kelly (Kathleen Kinmont), and loses Jamie. After being chased by Michael, Rachel finds Jamie.

Sheriff Meeker and Loomis arrive and take the girls to Meeker's house with Brady, Kelly, and a deputy. They barricade the house, and Loomis departs to look for Michael. With Sheriff Meeker in the basement awaiting the arrival of the state police, Michael sneaks in and kills the deputy and Kelly. Discovering the bodies, Rachel, Jamie, and Brady realize they are trapped in the house. Rachel and Jamie flee to the attic when Michael appears, but Brady stays to fend him off and is killed. The girls climb through a window onto the roof and Jamie is lowered down safely, but Michael attacks Rachel and knocks her off the roof.

Pursued by Michael, Jamie runs down the street and finds Loomis. They take shelter in the school, but Michael appears and subdues Loomis before chasing Jamie through the building. Jamie trips and falls down a flight of stairs. Before Michael can kill her, Rachel, who survived the fall, subdues him with a fire extinguisher. The lynch mob and the state police arrive at the school after hearing the alarm go off. The lynch mob agrees to take Jamie and Rachel to the next town in a pickup truck. However, Michael, hiding underneath the truck, climbs aboard and kills the men. Rachel is forced to drive, continuously attempting to throw Michael off. She succeeds in doing so and then rams him with the truck, sending him flying into a ditch near an abandoned mine. The police, along with Loomis, arrive, but when Jamie approaches Michael and touches his hand, he rises. The police relentlessly shoot Michael until he falls down the mine, where he is presumed dead.
Jamie and Rachel are taken home, and Darlene and Richard, who have arrived home, console the girls. As Darlene goes upstairs to run Jamie a bath, she is suddenly attacked by a mysterious figure. Loomis hears Darlene's screams and sees Jamie standing at the top of the stairs, wearing a clown mask, emotionless with a pair of scissors in her hand and stained with blood. He screams out as Rachel, Richard, and Sheriff Meeker stare in horror.

Halloween 3

Halloween III: Season of the Witch is a 1982 American science fiction horror film and the third installment in the Halloween film series. It is the first film to be written and directed by Tommy Lee Wallace. John Carpenter and Debra Hill, the creators of Halloween, returned as producers. Starring Tom Atkins as Dr. Dan Challis, Stacey Nelkin as Ellie Grimbridge, and Dan O'Herlihy as Conal Cochran, the story focuses on an investigation by Challis and Grimbridge into the activities of Cochran, the mysterious owner of the Silver Shamrock Novelties company, in the week approaching Halloween night.
Halloween III is the only entry in the series that does not feature the series antagonist Michael Myers, nor does it include story elements from either Halloween (1978) or Halloween II (1981). It, in fact, treats the first film as a fictional film, as one of the characters watches a trailer for the original during the film. It also departs from the slasher genre which the first two installments were part of, instead featuring a "witchcraft" theme with science fiction aspects and parallels to old Celtic fairy tales. Carpenter and Hill believed that the Halloween series had the potential to branch into an anthology franchise of horror films that centered around the night of Halloween with each film containing its own characters, setting, and storyline. Director Wallace stated that there were many ideas for Halloween-themed films, some of which could have potentially created any number of their own sequels, and that Season of the Witch was meant to be the first of the anthology series. However, after the film's disappointing critical reception and box-office gross, Michael Myers was brought back six years later in Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers (1988).

The frequency of graphic violence and gore is less than that of Halloween II, but the film's death scenes remain intense. As with other films in the series, suspense and dramatic tension is a key theme. The dramatic element of violence against young children, something often taboo even for horror films, is explored.

Produced on a budget of $2.5 million, Halloween III grossed $14.4 million at the box office in the United States, making it the poorest performing film in the Halloween series at the time.  In addition to weak box office returns, most critics gave the film negative reviews. One critic suggests that if Halloween III was not part of the Halloween series, then it would simply be "a fairly nondescript eighties horror flick, no worse and no better than many others."

Despite an initially negative reception for the film, largely due to fan disappointment over the absence of Michael Myers, re-evaluation over the past three decades has given Halloween III new legions of fans and established its reputation as a standalone cult film.
On October 23, shop owner Harry Grimbridge (Al Berry) runs along a barren road in Northern California, chased by mysterious figures in business suits. He makes it to a gas station clutching a Silver Shamrock jack-o'-lantern mask. He is driven to the hospital by station attendant Walter Jones (Essex Smith), all the while rambling, "they're going to kill us all". At the hospital, Grimbridge is placed in the care of Dr. Dan Challis (Tom Atkins). That night, another mysterious man in a suit enters Grimbridge's hospital room, kills him, then goes to his car and immolates himself.
The next morning, Grimbridge's daughter Ellie (Stacey Nelkin) arrives to identify her father's remains. Ellie and Challis agree to investigate his murder, leading them to the small town of Santa Mira, California. The motel manager (Michael Currie) explains that Conal Cochran (Dan O'Herlihy) and his company, Silver Shamrock Novelties, which produces wildly popular latex masks for Halloween, are responsible for the town's prosperity. While signing the motel register, Challis learns that Grimbridge stayed at the same motel. Other motel guests include shop owners Marge Guttman (Garn Stephens) and Buddy Kupfer (Ralph Strait), Buddy's wife Betty (Jadeen Barbor), and their son Little Buddy (Bradley Schacter), who all have business at the company's factory.

Guttman finds a microchip on the back of a Silver Shamrock button, and is fatally electrocuted after poking it with a hairpin. Challis and Ellie learn of Guttman's accident, and Challis attempts to help but is forced away by a group of men dressed in lab coats who drive away in a van with Marge's body. The next morning, Challis and Ellie tour the factory with the Kupfers and discover Grimbridge's car there, guarded by more men dressed in suits. They return to the motel but cannot contact anyone outside the town. While Challis attempts to phone for the authorities, Ellie is kidnapped by the men in suits and driven to the factory.

Challis pursues them, breaks into the factory, and discovers that the men in suits are androids created by Cochran. Challis is captured by the androids and Cochran reveals his plan to sacrifice children wearing his masks, thus bringing about a resurrection of the ancient age of witchcraft. The masks contain microchips, each containing a fragment of Stonehenge that, when activated by a signal in a company commercial, summon a swarm of insects and snakes to kill the mask wearer and anyone nearby. To demonstrate, Cochran kills the Kupfers this way.

Challis escapes through a ventilation shaft and rescues Ellie. He dumps the chips from the overhead rafters and activates their signal with the commercial, killing Cochran and his employees, and destroying the computer chips and factory. As the two drive away, Ellie attacks Challis, revealing that Cochran replaced the real Ellie with an android duplicate. Challis crashes the vehicle and decapitates the android with a tire iron. On foot, Challis makes it to the gas station and phones the television stations, in an attempt to convince the station managers not to air the Silver Shamrock commercial. He persuades them to take it off channels one and two, but not channel three. Challis desperately yells into the telephone, as the commercial begins to play on the television in front of him.

Halloween 2

Halloween II is a 1981 American slasher film and the second installment in the Halloween film series. Directed by Rick Rosenthal, written and produced by John Carpenter and Debra Hill, it is a direct sequel to Carpenter's Halloween, immediately picking up where it had left off. Set on the same night of October 31, 1978, Michael Myers follows survivor Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis) to a nearby hospital while Dr. Sam Loomis (Donald Pleasence) is still in pursuit of his patient.

Stylistically, Halloween II reproduces certain key elements that made the original Halloween a success, such as first-person camera perspectives, and the film picks up right at the end of the cliffhanger ending of the original film. The sequel was a box office success, grossing over $25.5 million in the United States. In terms of the response from film critics, the film has received mixed reviews both during its initial run in theatres and since; several commentators criticized the film's generally uneven pace, certain plot holes and muted character performances, while praise was received to the film's genuinely scary moments that captured the spirit of the first film.

Originally, Halloween II was intended to be the last chapter of the Halloween series to revolve around Michael Myers and the town of Haddonfield,[2] but after the lackluster reaction to Season of the Witch (1982), the Michael Myers character was brought back six years later in The Return of Michael Myers (1988).

On October 31, 1978, Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis) is taken to Haddonfield Memorial Hospital after being attacked by Michael Myers (Dick Warlock), who steals a kitchen knife from the home of an elderly couple and kills a teenage girl (Anne Bruner) living next door.

Meanwhile, Dr. Sam Loomis (Donald Pleasence) and Sheriff Leigh Brackett (Charles Cyphers) continue searching for Michael. Loomis chases after teenager Bennett Tramer, who is dressed like Michael, but an oncoming police car suddenly crashes into the teenager, killing him in the process. Sheriff Brackett leaves the manhunt after he learns that his daughter Annie was one of Michael's victims.
At the hospital, paramedic Jimmy Lloyd (Lance Guest) develops romantic feelings for Laurie, much to the chagrin of head nurse Mrs. Alves (Gloria Gifford). Michael discovers Laurie's location via the radio, due to his crimes reaching the media, and makes his way to the hospital. Once there, he cuts the phone lines, disables the cars, and kills the hospital employees. Jimmy and Nurse Jill Franco (Tawny Moyer) search the hospital for Laurie, who is trying to evade Michael; Jimmy finds Mrs. Alves' corpse and slips in a pool of blood on the floor, losing consciousness.

Elsewhere, Loomis is informed that Michael broke into the local elementary school. As he investigates, Loomis's colleague, Marion Chambers (Nancy Stephens), and a Marshall (John Zenda) come to escort Loomis back to Smith's Grove on the governor's orders. Along the way, Marion informs Loomis that Laurie is Michael's sister, but that information was kept secret. With the realization that Michael is after Laurie, Loomis forces the Marshall to drive back to Haddonfield.
Just after finding Laurie, Jill is killed by a scalpel-wielding Michael, who then pursues Laurie through the hospital. Laurie escapes to the parking lot and hides in Jimmy's car. Regaining consciousness, Jimmy exits the hospital and gets in the car to seek help, but he passes out again on the steering wheel horn, alerting Michael to their location. Loomis, Marion, and the Marshall get to the hospital just in time to save Laurie. As Marion attempts to contact the police, Michael kills the Marshall and chases Loomis and Laurie into an operating room. Michael stabs Loomis in the stomach, wounding him, but Laurie shoots Michael in the eyes, blinding him. Loomis and Laurie fill the room with ether and oxygen gas. Loomis orders Laurie to run and sacrifices himself by igniting the gas, which blows up the operating room with him and Michael inside. Michael emerges from the room, engulfed in flames, before he collapses and finally dies. The next morning, Laurie is put in an ambulance and driven to safety.


Halloween is a 1978 American independent slasher film directed and scored by John Carpenter, co-written with producer Debra Hill, and starring Donald Pleasence and Jamie Lee Curtis in her film debut. The film was the first installment in what has become the Halloween franchise. In the film, on Halloween night in 1963, Michael Myers murders his sister in the fictional Midwestern town of Haddonfield, Illinois. He escapes on October 30, 1978 from Smith's Grove Sanitarium, and returns home to kill again. The next day, Halloween, Michael stalks teenager Laurie Strode. Michael's psychiatrist, Dr. Sam Loomis, knowing Michael's intentions, goes to Haddonfield to find and stop him.

Halloween was produced on a budget of $300,000 and grossed $47 million at the box office in the United States,[2] $23 million internationally, for a total of $70 million worldwide,[3] equivalent to roughly $267 million as of 2016, becoming one of the most profitable independent films. Many critics credit the film as the first in a long line of slasher films inspired by Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho (1960). Halloween had many imitators and originated several clichés found in low-budget horror films of the 1980s and 1990s. Unlike many of its imitators, Halloween contains little graphic violence and gore. It was one of the first horror films to introduce the concept of the killer dying and coming back to life again within the same film. In 2006, the film was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant".

Some critics have suggested that Halloween may encourage sadism and misogyny by audiences identifying with its villain.Other critics have suggested the film is a social critique of the immorality of youth and teenagers in 1970s America, with many of Myers' victims being sexually promiscuous substance abusers,[10] while the lone heroine is depicted as innocent and pure, hence her survival. Nevertheless, Carpenter dismisses such analyses. Several of Halloween's techniques and plot elements, although not founded in this film, have nonetheless become standard slasher movie tropes. Halloween spawned seven sequels and was rebooted in 2007.

On Halloween night of 1963, in Haddonfield, Illinois, 6-year-old Michael Myers (Will Sandin), dressed in a clown costume and mask, stabs his older sister Judith (Sandy Johnson) to death with a kitchen knife in their home. About 15 years later, on October 30, 1978, 21-year-old Michael (Nick Castle) escapes Warren County Smith's Grove Sanitarium, stealing a car that was to take him to a court date and returning home to Haddonfield. Michael kills a mechanic for his clothes and steals a white mask from a local store.

The following day, Halloween, Michael stalks high school student Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis) after she and Tommy Doyle (Brian Andrews) drop off a key at his former house so her father can sell it. Throughout the day, Laurie notices Michael following her, but her friends Annie Brackett (Nancy Kyes) and Lynda Van der Klok (P.J. Soles) dismiss her concerns. Meanwhile, Michael's psychiatrist, Dr. Sam Loomis (Donald Pleasence), knowing Michael's intentions, goes to Haddonfield to find Michael and stop him. He finds that Judith Myers' headstone is missing and meets with Sheriff Leigh Brackett (Charles Cyphers), Annie's father, and warns him about the danger Michael poses, explaining that Michael is pure evil and capable of further violence, despite years of catatonia.
Later that night, Laurie goes over to babysit Tommy Doyle while Annie babysits Lindsey Wallace (Kyle Richards) just across the street, unaware that Michael is watching them. When Annie's boyfriend Paul calls her to come and pick him up, she takes Lindsey over to the Doyle house to spend the night with Laurie and Tommy. Annie is just about to leave in her car when Michael, who hid in the back seat, slashes her throat, killing her.

Soon after, Lynda and her boyfriend Bob Simms (John Michael Graham) arrive at the Wallace house. After having sex, Bob goes downstairs to get a beer for Lynda, but Michael stabs him with a knife, pinning him to the wall and killing him. Michael then poses as Bob in a ghost costume and confronts Lynda, who teases him, to no effect. Annoyed, Lynda calls Laurie; just as Laurie picks up, Michael strangles Lynda to death with the telephone cord.

A suspicious Laurie goes over to the Wallace house and finds her friends dead, along with Judith Myers' stolen headstone, in the upstairs bedroom. As she cowers in the hallway, Michael suddenly appears and attacks Laurie, slashing her arm. Barely escaping, she retreats to the Doyle house. Michael gets in through an open window and attacks Laurie again, but she manages to fend him off long enough for Tommy and Lindsey to escape. Loomis sees them fleeing the house, and goes to investigate, finding Michael and Laurie fighting upstairs. Loomis shoots Michael six times, knocking him off the balcony; when Loomis goes to check Michael's body, he finds it missing. Places where Michael had previously been are shown as his breathing is heard, indicating he could be anywhere.Halloween is a 1978 American independent slasher film directed and scored by John Carpenter, co-written with producer Debra Hill, and starring Donald Pleasence and Jamie Lee Curtis in her film debut. The film was the first installment in what has become the Halloween franchise. In the film, on Halloween night in 1963, Michael Myers murders his sister in the fictional Midwestern town of Haddonfield, Illinois. He escapes on October 30, 1978 from Smith's Grove Sanitarium, and returns home to kill again. The next day, Halloween, Michael stalks teenager Laurie Strode. Michael's psychiatrist, Dr. Sam Loomis, knowing Michael's intentions, goes to Haddonfield to find and stop him.
Halloween was produced on a budget of $300,000 and grossed $47 million at the box office in the United States,[2] $23 million internationally, for a total of $70 million worldwide,[3] equivalent to roughly $267 million as of 2016, becoming one of the most profitable independent films. Many critics credit the film as the first in a long line of slasher films inspired by Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho (1960). Halloween had many imitators and originated several clichés found in low-budget horror films of the 1980s and 1990s. Unlike many of its imitators, Halloween contains little graphic violence and gore. It was one of the first horror films to introduce the concept of the killer dying and coming back to life again within the same film. In 2006, the film was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant".

Some critics have suggested that Halloween may encourage sadism and misogyny by audiences identifying with its villain.Other critics have suggested the film is a social critique of the immorality of youth and teenagers in 1970s America, with many of Myers' victims being sexually promiscuous substance abusers,[10] while the lone heroine is depicted as innocent and pure, hence her survival. Nevertheless, Carpenter dismisses such analyses. Several of Halloween's techniques and plot elements, although not founded in this film, have nonetheless become standard slasher movie tropes. Halloween spawned seven sequels and was rebooted in 2007.

On Halloween night of 1963, in Haddonfield, Illinois, 6-year-old Michael Myers (Will Sandin), dressed in a clown costume and mask, stabs his older sister Judith (Sandy Johnson) to death with a kitchen knife in their home. About 15 years later, on October 30, 1978, 21-year-old Michael (Nick Castle) escapes Warren County Smith's Grove Sanitarium, stealing a car that was to take him to a court date and returning home to Haddonfield. Michael kills a mechanic for his clothes and steals a white mask from a local store.

The following day, Halloween, Michael stalks high school student Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis) after she and Tommy Doyle (Brian Andrews) drop off a key at his former house so her father can sell it. Throughout the day, Laurie notices Michael following her, but her friends Annie Brackett (Nancy Kyes) and Lynda Van der Klok (P.J. Soles) dismiss her concerns. Meanwhile, Michael's psychiatrist, Dr. Sam Loomis (Donald Pleasence), knowing Michael's intentions, goes to Haddonfield to find Michael and stop him. He finds that Judith Myers' headstone is missing and meets with Sheriff Leigh Brackett (Charles Cyphers), Annie's father, and warns him about the danger Michael poses, explaining that Michael is pure evil and capable of further violence, despite years of catatonia.
Later that night, Laurie goes over to babysit Tommy Doyle while Annie babysits Lindsey Wallace (Kyle Richards) just across the street, unaware that Michael is watching them. When Annie's boyfriend Paul calls her to come and pick him up, she takes Lindsey over to the Doyle house to spend the night with Laurie and Tommy. Annie is just about to leave in her car when Michael, who hid in the back seat, slashes her throat, killing her.

Soon after, Lynda and her boyfriend Bob Simms (John Michael Graham) arrive at the Wallace house. After having sex, Bob goes downstairs to get a beer for Lynda, but Michael stabs him with a knife, pinning him to the wall and killing him. Michael then poses as Bob in a ghost costume and confronts Lynda, who teases him, to no effect. Annoyed, Lynda calls Laurie; just as Laurie picks up, Michael strangles Lynda to death with the telephone cord.

A suspicious Laurie goes over to the Wallace house and finds her friends dead, along with Judith Myers' stolen headstone, in the upstairs bedroom. As she cowers in the hallway, Michael suddenly appears and attacks Laurie, slashing her arm. Barely escaping, she retreats to the Doyle house. Michael gets in through an open window and attacks Laurie again, but she manages to fend him off long enough for Tommy and Lindsey to escape. Loomis sees them fleeing the house, and goes to investigate, finding Michael and Laurie fighting upstairs. Loomis shoots Michael six times, knocking him off the balcony; when Loomis goes to check Michael's body, he finds it missing. Places where Michael had previously been are shown as his breathing is heard, indicating he could be anywhere.

Sinister 2

Sinister 2 is a 2015 American supernatural horror film directed by Ciaran Foy and written by Scott Derrickson and C. Robert Cargill. The sequel to the 2012 film Sinister, the film stars James Ransone, reprising his role from the original film, and Shannyn Sossamon as a mother whose sons are tormented by the ghostly children taken by Bughuul at their rural farmhouse.
The film received a nationwide release on August 21, 2015. The film grossed over $52 million against its reported budget of $10 million.

The film opens in an identical style to the first movie: a snuff movie depicting a family being hung up like scarecrows in a corn field with sacks over their heads and burned alive when a lighter is thrown into a trail of petrol. It is revealed to be the nightmare of nine-year-old Dylan Collins, who is staying in a rural farmhouse next to a deconsecrated Lutheran church, with his twin brother Zach, and their mother Courtney (Shannyn Sossamon). He hears rustling in the open wardrobe and a spooky face appears. A ghost bearing a likeness to his twin brother appears.

The Deputy from the first film goes to Confession. He is independently researching the murders connected to Bughuul. He's also burning down the homes where each murder took place before another family can move into them to prevent more murders, including the house where Ellison Oswalt and his family were murdered in the first film. The priest recognises him from "the Oswalt thing." Deputy explains he found something otherworldly and asks the priest for help, who tells him to stay out of it instead.

Courtney works in the church, restoring antiques. Whilst shopping (and her sons are playing with toy guns), a man with sunken eyes seems to stare at Courtney and appears to follow her around the shop. She tells the boys to run (using Rutabaga as a safe word) and the man chases her as she leaves the shop, knocking over a stand. Courtney orders a security guard to stop him. As they drive away, the man is seen on a phone, saying "That's her." to an unknown person, most likely Clint, Courtney's abusive ex-husband who is also the father of her children.

Dylan is visited nightly by a group of ghostly children, led by a boy named Milo, who force him to watch "home movies" of families being murdered in various savage ways; eaten alive by alligators while being hung upside-down above a river ("Fishing Trip"), electrocuted in a puddle of water on a kitchen floor ("Kitchen Remodel"), buried alive in the snow on Christmas Day ("Christmas Morning") and strapped to chairs with their mouths forced open and having their teeth mutilated with drills ("Dentist Appointment").

The Deputy arrives at a farmhouse to destroy it, but is interrupted when he realizes Courtney and her sons are living there. Courtney tells him to leave because she thinks he is working with Clint. He convinces her otherwise and tells Courtney he is a private investigator, and she allows him to investigate the deconsecrated church on the property where a gruesome murder took place. She doesn't realize it, but her sons know what happened at the church.
The Deputy is then seen in a hotel room reading newspaper articles on a computer, when he stumbles across one which shows Courtney and Clint on their wedding day. Suddenly, articles about the murder in the church flood the screen, before Bughuul's symbol and a loud buzzing appear and the screen cuts out. When he leans down to collect his bag, the reflection of the screen shows Bughuul standing in the bathroom doorway behind the Deputy. When the Deputy sees it and looks behind him, there is nothing there. Bughuul then appears in the reflection again, before walking forward and putting his finger to his lips. The Deputy slams the laptop screen closed.

Clint shows up at the farmhouse with police to try and take the boys but leaves after the Deputy threatens them, warning them that they need a court order to proceed. In this scene, it is also revealed that he was arrested as a suspect for the murder of the Oswalts. While he was eventually cleared of the charge, he was subsequently fired for releasing classified information (the names and addresses of the murders he gave to Ellison Oswalt in the first film.)

Courtney wants to leave with the boys but the Deputy advises Courtney not to leave the farmhouse, knowing that each of the murders connected to Bughuul occurred only after the families had fled the homes where the previous murders had occurred. Courtney invites him to stay at the farmhouse on the condition that he doesn't tell anyone where they are, and the two develop a budding romance, talking outside the house while sitting on the swings, and passionately kissing once they return inside.
Deputy meets with a professor who has come into possession of a ham radio that belonged to Professor Jonas from the previous film, who was in contact with Ellison Oswalt and has mysteriously disappeared. The professor said the ham radio first belonged to a Norwegian family who was mysteriously murdered in 1973. The professor plays a recording from the Norwegian family, and after reading out the coordinates of the house, the young girl's voice on the tape screams "Bughuul can't hear me over your yelling, Mom!" in Norwegian.

Deputy deduces that Bughuul exclusively targets the children of the murdered families, and suddenly, the ham radio bursts to life with a loud buzz, repeating what the Deputy just said over and over again: "It's the kids. He gets the kids." before suddenly cutting out. Deputy then orders the professor to destroy the ham radio.

Zach becomes jealous of the ghostly children who visit Dylan, and insists on having their attention. They show Dylan the video of the murders which took place in the same Lutheran church on their property: a family is nailed to the floor with bowls placed on their chests, encasing a live rat. When hot coals from a stove are placed on the bowls, the rats burrow through their abdomens to escape the heat, causing them to bleed to death ("Sunday Service"). After Dylan refuses to watch the last movie, the children turn their attention to Zach and abandon Dylan.
Clint arrives with the court ordered custody warrants he didn't have before and Courtney is forced to leave with Zach and Dylan. After finding the farmhouse empty, the Deputy drives to Clint's home to warn them about the danger, but Clint assaults him and threatens him with a gun, telling him if he ever comes back he will shoot. The next day, Zach, as directed by the ghost children, films Dylan learning how to play golf with Clint and Courtney. After realising he and his family have been poisoned, Dylan contacts the Deputy for help. The Deputy immediately leaves his house, and upon arriving at the family home, he sees fire and smoke in the distance. He drives into the cornfield.
Courtney, Dylan, and Clint are drugged and hung on scarecrow posts with sacks over their heads in the cornfield. A possessed Zach lights Clint on fire first and films him as he burns to death. Just as Zach is about to light Courtney on fire, the Deputy arrives and hits Zach with his car. He frees Courtney and Dylan and they flee into the cornfield. However, Zach has survived being hit (thanks to demonic possession) and pursues them through the cornfield with the camera and cuts half the Deputy's fingers off with a swing of a sickle.

Inside the home, the ghost kids try to help Zach find Courtney and Dylan, tearing the house apart and knocking out the Deputy in the process. Just as Zach is about to kill Courtney and Dylan, the Deputy finally manages to break the camera by hitting it with a golf club, thwarting Zach's home movie and breaking the cycle. After a desperate Zach tries to search for another camera, he is shamed and disgraced by the ghost kids for failing to kill his family and is carried into Bughuul's realm, his face melting into a skull. The house then catches fire as the Deputy, Courtney, and Dylan escape. Courtney is left distraught.

Later, when the Deputy is in his motel room packing his things, he turns and sees the ham radio. Children's voices are heard saying "It's the kids, he gets the kids!". As a young girl's voice whispers "Deputy", Bughuul appears and the scene cuts to black.

4. kesäkuuta 2017


In the middle of World War I, nine British soldiers caught behind enemy lines seek refuge in a complex network of German trenches. What they soon discover is that they aren't alone - and it isn't a German soldier that's hunting them down.

The Legend of Tarzan

Tarzanin legenda (engl. The Legend of Tarzan) on vuonna 2016 ensi-iltansa saanut yhdysvaltalainen toimintaseikkailuelokuva. Edgar Rice Burroughsin luomaan Tarzaniin perustuvan elokuvan ohjasi David Yates ja käsikirjoitti Adam Cozad sekä Craig Brewer. Pääosassa esiintyvät Alexander Skarsgård, Samuel L. Jackson, Margot Robbie, Djimon Hounsou, Jim Broadbent ja Christoph Waltz.

the huntsman winter's war

Eric and fellow warrior Sara, raised as members of ice Queen Freya's army, try to conceal their forbidden love as they fight to survive the wicked intentions of both Freya and her sister Ravenna.

23. toukokuuta 2017

Alien: Covenant (2017)

Alien: Covenant on vuonna 2017 ensi-iltansa saanut yhdysvaltalainen kauhu- ja tieteiselokuva, jonka on ohjannut Ridley Scott. Se on jatko-osa vuoden 2012 elokuvalle Prometheus ja kuudes osa viralliseen Alien-elokuvasarjaan. Pääosissa nähdään muun muassa Michael Fassbender, Katherine Waterston, Billy Crudup ja Danny McBride.
Siirtokunta-alus Covenantin miehistö on matkalla galaksin kauimmaisella laidalla sijaitsevalle planeetalle, jonka he uskovat olevan koskematon paratiisi. Todellisuudessa se on kuitenkin synkkä ja vaarallinen maailma, jonka ainoa asukas on ”synteettinen” David (Michael Fassbender) – selviytyjä epäonniselta Prometheus-tutkimusretkeltä. Kohdatessaan ennennäkemättömän uhkan miehistön täytyy yrittää tuskaisaa pakoa


Four friends on their way to Coachella stop off in Los Angeles to tour true-crime occult sites, only to encounter a mysterious young runaway who puts them on a terrifying path to ultimate horror.

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30. syyskuuta 2016

Angry Birds Movie

The Angry Birds Movie (or simply Angry Birds) is a 2016 Finnish-American 3D computer-animated action-adventure comedy film based on the video game series of the same name. It was directed by Clay Kaytis and Fergal Reilly (in their directorial debuts) and written by Jon Vitti. The film was animated by Sony Pictures Imageworks, and stars Jason Sudeikis, Josh Gad, Danny McBride, Maya Rudolph, Kate McKinnon, Sean Penn, Tony Hale, Keegan-Michael Key, Bill Hader and Peter Dinklage. It was released in the United States on May 20, 2016, received mixed reviews from critics and has grossed over $346 million.
On Bird Island, an island inhabited by flightless birds, the reclusive Red is sentenced to anger management classes after his temper causes a "premature hatching" of a customer's egg. Resentful, Red avoids getting to know his classmates Chuck, Bomb, and Terence, or the instructor Matilda. One day, a boat docks at the island's shore. It carries green-colored pigs, who claim to be peaceful explorers bringing offerings of friendship, and are accepted on the island. They introduce the birds to innovative technologies such as slingshots and helium balloons.
More pigs arrive and seemingly adjust to society, but Red becomes suspicious of their motives, as they slowly overwhelm the island. He recruits Chuck and Bomb to help him find Mighty Eagle, a giant bald eagle said to be the protector of the island, and the only bird that can fly, but who has not been seen for many years. They find him on top of Bird Mountain, but Mighty Eagle is now overweight, self-absorbed, and largely in retirement. Looking through the Mighty Eagle's binoculars, Red's group sees the pigs planting explosives around the island while the birds are at a rave party. They realize the party was a ruse to steal the birds' eggs. Red, Bomb and Chuck attempt to warn the other birds and stop the pigs, but the pigs escape and their explosives destroy the village. When the birds realize what happened, Red rallies them to let loose their anger and take back their eggs.
The birds construct a boat and sail to Piggy Island, where they find the pigs living in a walled city. Deducing the eggs are most likely in the central castle of the city, the birds attack and defeat the pigs by firing themselves into the pig village using their gifted giant slingshot. Red, Chuck, and Bomb make it to the castle and find the eggs in a boiler room, where the pigs plan to cook and eat them. Mighty Eagle arrives, having watched these events through his binoculars and had a change of heart, and carries the eggs out. As the birds escape, one egg falls out and rolls back into the castle. Red battles the pigs' king Leonard and retrieves the egg, surviving Piggy Island's destruction caused by the pigs' reserve of explosives.
Piggy Island is blown up by the pigs' reserve of explosives. Red reunites with the other birds, and the rescued egg hatches, revealing three little blue birds. He is declared a hero and given a new house. He, Chuck, and Bomb are approached by Mighty Eagle, who claims that he wasn't lazy but instead deliberately made the birds lose faith in him so they could find faith in themselves.
During the credits, it is revealed that some of the pigs survived Piggy Island's destruction and have begun to hatch a new plan to steal the eggs.
In a mid-credits scene, the three blue birds which rescued by Red use the rebuilt slingshot to launch themselves out to sea.

10. syyskuuta 2016

Tenavat elokuva

Tenavat-elokuva (The Peanuts Movie) on vuonna 2015 valmistunut yhdysvaltalainen animaatioelokuva, joka perustuu Charles M. Schulzin Tenavat-sarjakuvaan. Aiemmista Tenavat-animaatioista poiketen se on tehty tietokoneanimaationa 3D-muodossa. Elokuvan ovat tuottaneet Blue Sky Studios ja 20th Century Fox, ja sen on ohjannut Steve Martino. Tenavat-elokuva on viides Tenavista tehty pitkä elokuva, mutta ensimmäinen, joka on tehty Charles M. Schulzin kuoleman jälkeen. Elokuvan toisena tuottajana toimi Charles Schulzin poika Craig Schulz ja toisena käsikirjoittajana hänen poikansa Bryan Schulz.

Elokuvan päähenkilöinä ovat Jaska Jokunen ja hänen koiransa Ressu. Juoni sisältää viittauksia sekä itse sarjakuvaan että Bill Meléndezin ohjaamiin vanhoihin Tenavat-piirrettyihin.
Elokuvan ensi-illan ilmoitettiin sijoittuvan syksyyn 2015, koska silloin Tenavat täyttää sarjakuvana 65 vuotta ja sen vanhin animaatiosovitus, Jaska Jokusen joulu täyttää 50 vuotta.  Elokuvahankkeen kerrotaan saaneen alkunsa käsikirjoitusideasta, jota Craig Schulz kehitteli vuodesta 2006 alkaen. Ohjaajaksi valittiin Steve Martino, jonka uskottiin kykenevän säilyttämään alkuperäisen sarjakuvan hengen. Elokuvan tekemisessä on sanottu olleen mukana neljä sukupolvea Schulzin perheestä, sillä eräs hänen lapsenlapsenlapsistaan toimii yhden sivuhahmon ääninäyttelijänä. Tenavat-elokuva on ensimmäinen Tenavista tehty animaatio, jonka nimessä on käytetty sanaa Peanuts, sillä Charles M. Schulzin elinaikana sen käyttöä vältettiin hänen toiveestaan.

Elokuvan musiikin on säveltänyt Christophe Beck, minkä lisäksi siinä kuullaan myös vanhoista Tenavat-piirretyistä tuttua Vince Guaraldin jazz-musiikkia uusina sovituksina.  Pop-laulaja Meghan Trainorilta tilattiin elokuvaan ”Better When I’m Dancin’” -niminen laulu, joka julkaistiin myös singlenä.

Tenavat-elokuva sai Suomessa ensi-iltansa joulupäivänä 2015 kaikkiaan 245 elokuvasalissa. Elokuvauutiset-sivuston mukaan ensi-iltasalimäärä lienee ollut silloinen Suomen ennätys.
Elokuva oli ehdolla Golden Globe -palkinnon saajaksi parhaan animaatioelokuvan sarjassa. Se on Blue Sky -studion ensimmäinen elokuva, joka on saanut Golden Globe -ehdokkuuden.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows (2016)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows on vuonna 2016 ensi-iltansa saanut Nickelodeonin tuottama ja Dave Greenin ohjaama tieteiskomediaelokuva. Se toimii jatko-osana vuoden 2014 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles -elokuvalle.

Vuosi Silppuria (Brian Tee) vastaan käydyn taistelun jälkeen, Teini-ikäiset mutanttininjakilpikonnat elävät yhä varjoissa, ja ovat antaneet Vern Fenwickin (Will Arnett) ottaa kunnian Silppurin pysäyttämisestä. Vanginvartija Casey Jonesin (Stephen Amell) kuljettaessa Silppuria toiseen vankilaan, Jalkaklaani–joka nyt tekee yhteistyötä tiedemies Baxter Stockmanin (Tyler Perry) kanssa–hyökkäävät ja yrittävät vapauttaa Silppurin. Stockmania vakoillut April O’Neil (Megan Fox) oli ehtinyt varoittaa kilpikonnia, jotka yrittävät estää Jalkaklaanin aikeet. Stockman onnistuu tästä huolimatta auttamaan Silppurin pakoon teleportaatiolaitteen avulla. Mutta Silppuri päätyykin toiseen ulottuvuuteen, jossa avaruusolio ja sotalordi nimeltä Krang antaa hänelle mutageenisäiliön aseeksi kilpikonnia vastaan vastineeksi siitä, että Silppuri etsisi ja kokoaisi kolmesta osasta koottavan teleportaatiolaitteen päästääkseen hänet Maahan.

Silppuri värvää avukseen kaksi samassa vankiautossa kuljetettua rikollista, Bebopin ja Rocksteadyn, ja Stockman muuttaa heidät Krangin mutageenillä voimakkaiksi eläinmutanteiksi. April näkee tämän ja varastaa mutageenisäiliön. Jalkaklaanin jahdatessa häntä, Casey pelastaa hänet, mutta säiliö joutuu poliisin käsiin. Donatello saa selville aineen voivan muuttaa heidät ihmisiksi, mutta Leonardo kieltäytyy käyttämästä sitä ja käskee pitää asian salassa. Michelangelo kuitenkin kuulee tästä ja kertoo Raphaelille, joka päättää Michelangelon kanssa noutaa mutageenisäiliön poliisilaitokselta. He värväävät Aprilin, Caseyn ja Vernin auttamaan, mutta Jalkaklaani saa säiliön ennen heitä ja poliisit saavat tietää kilpikonnien olemassaolosta. Veljekset pääsevät pakoon, mutta April ja Casey pidätetään.

Silppuri on jo saanut kaksi teleportaatiolaitteen osaa haltuunsa ja kilpikonnat seuraavat Bebopia ja Rocksteadya Brasilian sademetsiin, mistä nämä olivat jo löytäneet viimeisen osan. Kilpikonnat hyppäävät lentokoneeseen, ja vaikka taistelu päättyy lentokoneen tekemään pakkolaskuun, Bebop ja Rocksteady saavat vietyä viimeisen osan Silppurille. Silppuri ja Stockman viimeistelevät laitteen, jolla Krang ja hänen sotakoneensa Technodrome pääsevät Maahan. Krang kuitenkin pettää Silppurin ja jäädyttää tämän osaksi kukistamiensa vihollisten kokoelmaa.

Kilpikonnat eivät pysty varjoista kukistamaan Krangin kaltaista vihollista. Leonardo on valmis antamaan veljiensä käyttää mutageeniä ja muuttua ihmisiksi, mutta Raphael päättää särkeä säiliön ja kilpikonnat hyväksyvät itsensä sellaisina kuin ovat. Vernin haltuunsa saaman valvontakameranauhan avulla kilpikonnat paljastavat poliisipäällikkö Rebecca Vincentille (Laura Linney) Stockmanin ja Silppurin rikokset ja saavat hänet vapauttamaan Aprilin ja Caseyn. Poliisin myönnettyä kilpikonnille tukensa, kilpikonnat lähtevät kohtamaan Krangin, joka yhä kokoaa Technodromea. Samalla Casey onnistuu uudelleenvangitsemaan Bebopin ja Rocksteadyn, kun taas April ja Vern yrittävät riistää Silppurin luutnantilta, Karailta (Brittany Ishibashi), teleportaatiolaitteen hallinnan. Kilpikonnat löytävät lähettimen, joka kokoaa Technodromen osia, ja lähettävät takaisin portaalia kohti. Aprilin, Caseyn ja Vernin tuhottua teleportaatiolaite, Technodromen osat sekä kostoa vannova Krang imeytyvät takaisin omaan ulottuvuuteensa.

Vincent ja New Yorkin poliisivoimat kiittävät kilpikonnia kaupungin hyväksi tehdystä työstä, mutta kilpikonnat päättävät yhä pitää olemassaolonsa salassa siviileiltä, pitäen nykyistä elämäntyyliään hauskempana.


Keanu is a 2016 American action comedy film directed by Peter Atencio and written by Jordan Peele and Alex Rubens. The film stars Peele, Keegan-Michael Key, Method Man, Nia Long and Will Forte. Filming began in New Orleans, Louisiana in June 2015. The film premiered at the South by Southwest Festival on March 13, 2016, and was released in North America by Warner Bros. on April 29, 2016. The film was a box office disappointment, grossing just $20 million against its $15 million budget.
Smoke and Oil Dresden (Jordan Peele and Keegan-Michael Key), a pair of assassins known as the "Allentown Boys", enter a drug-processing facility run by a Mexican drug cartel and kill everyone inside, including the boss King Diaz. The pair take Diaz's cat Iglesias, but when they are momentarily distracted by policemen arriving, the cat escapes. Meanwhile, Rell (Peele) has just been dumped by his girlfriend; he finds the cat on his doorstep, takes an immediate liking to it, and names it Keanu. Rell's cousin Clarence (Key) comes over to cheer him up and meets Keanu as well.
Two weeks later, Clarence's wife, Hannah (Nia Long) and daughter go out of town with the husband and daughter of a family friend, leaving Clarence alone. Rell, who is much happier after taking care of Keanu, takes Clarence out to see a Liam Neeson movie, telling him he needs to loosen up and just be himself. When the two return to Rell's house, they find the place has been ransacked and Keanu is missing. A distraught Rell drags Clarence along to the next-door residence of his weed dealer Hulka (Will Forte), who reluctantly reveals that the 17th St. Blips, a local gang, may have raided Rell's house instead of his. Hulka directs them to a downtown strip club; Rell and Clarence go there, where Rell convinces Clarence to adopt a "gangsta" persona in order to infiltrate the gang; they call themselves "Tectonic" and "Shark Tank". The two meet Hi-C (Tiffany Haddish), who initially is skeptical of them, but nonetheless takes them to meet the gang's leader Cheddar (Method Man), who mistakes them for the Allentown Boys. Cheddar has Keanu (having renamed him New Jack), and they ask for the cat. He will only do so if they come along as expert advisors for the Blips on a run to sell a new drug called "Holy Shit"; they both reluctantly agree.
After taking their team through a team-building exercise, Rell, Clarence, Hi-C, and three other gang members drive to their delivery spot. While Clarence stays behind and introduces the young men to the music of George Michael (whom he describes as if he were black, to overcome their skepticism), Rell and Hi-C go to make the sale; the buyer turns out to be Anna Faris, who is partying with two friends. Faris invites them to play Truth or Dare; she dares Hi-C to shoot Rell. When Hi-C refuses, a fight ensues in which Faris and her two guests are both shot and killed by Hi-C, frightening Rell. At the strip club after the run, Clarence accidentally smokes some Holy Shit, and experiences a drug trip in which he appears in a George Michael video, and Keanu speaks to him in the voice of Keanu Reeves. Rell begins to worry about his cousin and convinces him to just take Keanu and leave. The two do so, but are abducted on their way to their car by the actual Allentown Boys.
They tie Rell and Clarence to chairs and prepare to torture them, but Keanu claws through Rell's ropes, allowing him to free himself and Clarence, and they grab the Allentown Boys' guns. The Allentown boys continue to approach them, but Clarence and Rell completely unload the guns into them, seemingly killing them. On their way out of the building searching for Keanu, Rell and Clarence run into the Blips; Cheddar has discovered their real identities from Hulka, and forces them to come along to a meeting with the Mexican drug cartel at its mansion in the morning. At the meeting, the Blips meet with King Diaz's cousin Bacon (Luis Guzmán), offering Clarence and Rell as the supposed Allentown Boys, but when Bacon also demands "Iglesias", Cheddar refuses and starts a gunfight between the two gangs. Clarence and Rell realize that the team-building exercise the two took the gang through has improved their communication; they pick up guns and shoot their way out of the mansion in pursuit of Bacon, who has taken Keanu, only for Rell to be shot in the leg and Clarence shot in the hand.
Rell – who doesn't have a driver license – hijacks Bacon's escape car with Bacon and Keanu in the back; Clarence gives chase in a car that belongs to Bacon's son. The chase ends at Clarence's house, where Rell crashes into the front yard, sending Bacon flying through where the windshield of the car would have been, had it not been removed in the chase. Bacon gets up and attempts to shoot Rell, but Clarence runs him over. Bacon gets up again, but is shot and killed by Cheddar and the Blips. The Blips threaten Rell and Clarence, but Hi-C – secretly a police officer – breaks her cover and forces the Blips to drop their guns. When Cheddar attempts to shoot her, she kills him. The police arrive, and Hi-C reveals that Faris and her party guests were in on the whole operation and are all still alive, but Rell and Clarence will still have to go to jail for the activities they've taken part in, including the killing of the Allentown Boys; she promises to testify for leniency and agrees to go on a date with Rell after they get out of jail.
Six months later, Rell and Clarence have only three weeks left on their jail sentences, but have commanded respect among the inmates – including the remaining Blips – for killing the Allentown boys. Hi-C, who has been taking care of Keanu, speaks with Rell through a visitation phone, where she reveals that she's just been to the veterinarian and discovered that Keanu has a rare disease: he will remain a kitten permanently.
In a post-credits scene, the Allentown

Boys are revealed to have survived the shooting and get back into their car.